Friday, January 21, 2011

Fritolay Screen Savers

Don Quixote Wears Prada.

Not even Don Quixote of La Mancha and his faithful friend Sancho Panza would have been up to the daunting task that had to fulfill the 'on Tuesday evening Santanchè Annozero.
With a nervous breakdown from the heat and the usual grim arrogance, the poor thing has had to navigate between interceptions, women police, the man-archive Marco Travaglio and sarcasm (which is worth a thousand sporoloqui) corrosive Santoro.
The mission was almost impossible: the Santanchè hoped to persuade by rational argument, the viewers that the "poor things" were not investigated escort. In fact, strongly emphasized the "violence" of journalists, "espionage" to the detriment of popes nientepocodimeno that Silvio Berlusconi, it is stored in the address book of one of the prostitutes in Brazil, along with "Rubbi Troy" (and here we Daniela furious genius comes with a flash to say that it is a nickname coined by her friends).
does not matter box office hits that blast, even manages to miss the residence of the White House, mistaking it for New York, no matter the tide of the inaccuracies which incurs (Annozero is self-financed by advertising, the rent has to do very little rai and the statements of Commons were not anonymous), she continues undeterred in its mad rush toward the stage and its final departure from the scene, as a dramatic charge that is equal only to the Medea of \u200b\u200bEuripides, a satirical cartoon which obviously has not caught the spirit.
But the highlight of the evening contained in the video I posted just above. The Director of the Unit Concita de Gregorio, makes you notice her sudden change of mind about the dear Silvio Popes and the apparent inconsistency of his case "pro whores", since the presence of a market, a theater sad worse Bagaglino is witnessed by the friends of Santanchè, not by others: Lele Mora in the first game that encourages the doctor's one of his "horse race" and the beloved Fido Humble who speaks of "fights" between escort contending the apartments, which were previously the "hunger", even "the pomp ..." for 300 €. Modern Cinderella.
At this point, the Santanchè is appalled by such great malice against defenseless young girls (and no, not speaking of interceptions, but the reporter's claims that it even allows appoint the Pope). at this point is who decides to pull the trump card: the strong defense of Catholic values \u200b\u200bof the attacks and intrusive Communist espionage politicization of the Judiciary, endorsed by the journalism of misinformation. ; nonsochi Even this basin, a journalist of the Unit, it allows you to bring in the Pope, who is in favor of abortion and, even worse, in favor of the recognition of gay couples!

Embee , you would like to?

Some sword defends prime minister who goes to whores and some want grant rights to people who love each other, regardless of their identity sexual. This is a serious affront to the values \u200b\u200bof the Christian family!
" you call morality, I call it hypocrisy."


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