Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Fix Drawstring Curtains

Oscar 2011: bim, bum, bam we give this award to those who ...

Confesso che non sono riuscita a seguire la diretta degli Oscar (e menomale, visto i commenti che ci sono in giro sulla cerimonia, a quanto pare tra le più noiose), mi sono arresa a Morfeo dopo i primi dieci minuti. Tutto sommato, per come sono andate le cose, non mi sono persa un granchè. Ecco,avete presente quello che tutti si aspettavano, e soprattutto, il peggio che tutti expected? Here, it happened. But first things first:

Best Film:

-127 hours
-Black Swan
-The speech of the King (winner)
-The Kids are allright
-The determination
-Winter 's bone
-The Social Network
-Toy Story 3
-The fighter
Now, I understand that you can be enchanted by a masterpiece like "The speech of the king "..... No, not really understand it but so be it. What I like is beyond me face to win a canon and classic movies as well (in the worst sense of the word) in the race when there are revolutionaries and former cult film. Here, what I do not understand.
For the rest, an Oscar for The King's speech is acceptable. Maybe not in class, but there may be greater. Here, four Oscars but there can be especially if you commesso un vero e proprio furto. 

Miglior regia: 
- Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan 
- David O. Russel - The Fighter (????)
- Tom Hooper - Il discorso del re (vincitore)
- David Fincher - The Social Network(vincitore morale)
-Fratelli Coen - True Grit
Innanzi tutto, impossibile da non denunciare l'assenza VERGOGNOSA Nolan, especially in the race has been named Russell who has done a good movie but, ignorant as I am, I see no reason why we should assign an Oscar. I was not particularly struck by ' excellent director honestly.
' nuff said, if you had power to award a prize to the king's speech, this was certainly the most sense because the director Hooper is impeccable, in fact, as far as I'm concerned, is the most valuable of the film.
Demand however, arises: is it really deserved the prize for best film (the field) and the award for best director? Really?
No, clearly not serious. And it has happened. In my opinion, made the count.
Shit, but Fincher? By the way, the social network took home two Oscars miserable. Three if you count the soundtrack (still less the premium).
The event film, after Inception, is outclassed by a film that will soon be forgotten (and in reality few have known, including those that do not mean film).
The consolation is this: Inception, Black Swan, The Social Network, even Toy Story 3, have left a recognizable (if Inception is that of a tyrannosaurus rex in Times Square ), not only in cinema but in pop culture.
Faced with such complexity and interweaving (Inception) is in the psychology of the characters (The Social Network, Black Swan) how do you prefer a didactic film, verging on the banal, without merit, if not the perfection of techniques and styles. Why? mysteries of faith.

Best Actor:

-Colin Firth - The speech of the King (winner)
- Javier Bardem - Biutiful
- Jeff Bridges - True grit
- Jesse Eisenberg-The Social Network
-James Franco - 127 hours

Meritata vittoria di Firth ma chiunque avesse preso in mano la statuetta, sarebbe stato all'altezza. La cinquina più bella degli oscar,per quanto mi riguarda. Siamo a livelli superiori.
Rimpianto per il mio amato Javier Bardem (sperare nella sua vittoria agli Oscar è proprio da avvocati della cause perse,lo so),d'altronde è una lotta impari: un balbuziente british è imbattibile. 

-Miglior attrice protagonista:

Natalie Portman - Black Swan (winner)
not even list the other appointments would be futile. All vanish in front of her.
No, come on, they too are good but victory was obvious.
-Annete Bening - The boys are doing well
-Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole
-Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's bone
-Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine

Michelle e la Lawrence non sarebbero state male ma hanno sbagliato anno, con Natalie non c'è storia.   

Miglior attore non protagonista:

- Christian Bale - The Fighter (Winner)
- Geoffrey Rush - The speech of the king
- John Hawkes - Winter's bone
- Jeremy Renner - The Town
- Mark Ruffalo - The boys are well
Again quite obvious victory of the impressive Christian Bale in The Fighter, which is more than just an interpretation from Oscar (my metaphors are very original, no?).
To underline the wonderful interpretation of Hawkes (who could never win for the Academy of snobbery, non solo per Bale) in Winter's bone. 
Bravissimo ma con un ruolo banale da counseling, Geoffrey Rush, c'era pericolo che si rubas..ehm..vincessero pure questo! 

Miglior attrice non protagonista: 
- Melissa Leo - The Fighter (vincitrice)
-Helena Bonham Carter - Il discorso del re
- Hailee Steinfeld - True grit 
- Jacki Weaver - Animal Kingdom
- Amy Adams - The Fighter
Personally, I am very satisfied with the victory of Melissa Leo, who I loved in The Figheri whose point strong, if you had not yet understood, is the cast.
A bit 'of bitterness remains for the child prodigy, or the players (because it is in this category remains a mystery, a of many of these oscar) True grit, western Coen, who has been virtually dry mouth (to the face of the ten nominations!).
Un altro mistero è la presenza della Carter (chiunque segua il mio blog sa che io l'adoro). Il suo personaggio è così insignificante nel film di Hooper che ci si chiede davvero se meritasse una nominations. Davvero non hanno trovato altre attrici più meritevoli? Tutto suona molto strano...nominations che puzza molto di reclamo pubblicitario per il "capolavoro"  (mancato) che è "il discorso del re".

Miglior film d'animazione:

"Toy Story 3" che vince contro "Dragon Trainer "and" The Illusionist. "Nothing to complain.

Best Original Screenplay:
-Inception (moral winner)
-Black Swan
- The speech of King (winner)
- Another Year
- The Fighter
There is a need to comment? I think not. Embarrassing.
reaction to the news:

Miglior sceneggiatura non originale:
(quelli che rimanevano dei dieci non-originali)
Vince meritatamente The Social Network che effettivamente ci stavamo chiedendo dove fosse andato a finire (peccato per Winter's bone).
Il film cult del 2010 si porta a casa il contentino. E vince anche il Miglior montaggio  anche se io avrei preferito Black Swan in questa categoria, quando non Nolan che invece non è neanche nominato. Misteri.
Meritato anche la Miglior colonna sonora (sempre The Social Network for) with Reznor and that Ross did a really cutting-edge work.
The best song (predictably) goes to Toy Story 3 with Randy Newman ( "We Belong Together).
And speaking of sweeteners ....
4 Oscar purely" technical "go to Inception, snubbed and mistreated by these Academy: Best Cinematography, Best Special Effects , best sound and best sound mixing. Clearly all but I really deserved Inception will be remembered only for this? I think not. I think the jury degli Accademy era in queste condizioni quando ha assegnato le statuette:  

Migliore scenografia e migliori costumi
-Alice in Wonderland la spunta e batte con un po' di amarezza True grit (nell'ambito della scenografia ovviamente). Un po' strana anche questa premiazione per un film davvero deludente...anche qui si va avanti a nomea? Assolutamente si. Ennesimo riconoscimento per Burton. Della serie: Tim ti vogliamo bene lo stesso, ti premiamo per l'impegno perchè comunque you are you. And the others? Fuck (Inception docet).
Other smaller prizes do not feel well because I have to comment on appropriate skills and then I could not give an opinion, not many have seen them.
find all the winners here .
Last observation: pity for the beautiful "Biutiful" to Inarritu that in the foreign film category, succumbs to "In a better world". Even this victory very disappointing.
Conclusions: The King's speech is definitely a great movie (even se scontato, a mio parere) e quindi non meritava di vincere QUEST'ANNO a causa della manifesta superiorità dei suoi avversari.
Tutto il resto è noia.  
Morale della favola: la tagline di The social network è anche la tagline degli Oscar.   

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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No Role Models 2

Poteva mancare? No, non poteva mancare.

Bob Dylan

Why cult is: why has managed to make the folk rock music and rock music.
If not enough, I might add that the cultural icon is the most influential and talented, is still alive.
And if not, I could simply add that it is Bob Dylan, fuck.
I discovered at the age of six or seven years, heard sporadically whenever I went to my aunt that there was a cleaner in the background. I could not make good poetry of this image, you need only imagine. I see myself in front of me in the eyes every time I hear the dear Bob.
Lyrics cult (for yours truly): All along the Watchtower, Knocking on Heaven's Door, Positively 4th Street.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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If I had to fire

beginning of the fourteenth century the Dolce Stil Novo was the most popular poetic genre. The topic of love was expressed in verses of great elegance. The woman, otherworldly creature, was intermediary between the earthly and the divine, true love was platonic, the poet and ennobles him closer to God
At that time the comic poetry he produced poetry of great provocation. The comic poetry had the task of reversing all the canons of courtly poetry, give priority to the more material aspects of life and the pleasures of this world. The genre, style, and recovering the salient aspects of poetry and highest educated of the time, created a parodic contrast, a reversal of the outcome comic style and playful. The largest representative of this genre was Cecco Angiolieri who praised the worldly passions against the spiritual values. Cecco Angiolieri (Siena, about 1260 - Siena, 1313 circa), belonged to a wealthy family in Guelph. Not much is known about him, he had a disorderly and dissipated life, devoted to women, taverns and gambling (there were three things he loved most), so that after his death, his gave up five children to inherit, because burdened with too many debts. Even today it is one of the poets most loved by young people because they lived life with no brakes. The sonnet Cecco is most famous Angiolieri If I 'was fire, arderei' the world who follow the strand of literature goliardic, desecrates the conventions and celebrates earthly pleasures. In the texts of Ben, the famous character is the undertaker, anti-Beatrice man rooted to the ground and materialism instead of leading to the divine elements in Cecco applicants are also the merry band of young people, the pleasures of life, love of gambling, the personal invective, style and playful caricature. Other poets of the comedy were Rustico di Filippo, Meo de 'Tolomei, Folgore da San Gimignano. If I
The sonnet 'was fire, arderei' the world had transpose music by Fabrizio de André , Volume III album of 1968. Thanks to Fabrizio de André temporal distance is canceled, and the sonnet is proving to be infinitely and most modern, giving us an extraordinary work of art, music and poetry, as well as an unprecedented encounter between two artists far removed in time.
public here the original text of Cecco (Marti edition of 1956) and a video with the famous song If I were sung by the great fire de André. Happy reading and happy listening.

If I 'was fire, burn' the world;
if I 'was the wind, the tempestarei;
if I' were water, the 'drowning;
s'i' fosse Dio, mandereil'en profondo;

s'i' fosse papa, serei allor giocondo,
ché tutti cristïani embrigarei;
s'i' fosse 'mperator, sa' che farei?
a tutti mozzarei lo capo a tondo.

S'i' fosse morte, andarei da mio padre;
s'i' fosse vita, fuggirei da lui:
similemente faria da mi' madre,

S'i' fosse Cecco, com'i' sono e fui,
torrei le donne giovani e leggiadre:
le vecchie e laide lasserei altrui.

One Nipple Piercing Means


Never let me go  - Mark Romanek (2010)

Sullo sfondo una scuola idilliaca, immersa nella campagna inglese, giovani studenti in attesa di crescere: Tom, Ruth e Kathy H spiccano tra tutti. Tom "dal cuore grande e dalla terribile rabbia" conteso tra le due amiche: Ruth così decisa ma così insicura e Kathy H, così sensibile e remissiva.
Starete pensando: il solito triangolo tear-jerking love, where everything goes the wrong way and rushed always in the most vulgar sentimentality, the kind that makes you gnaw your liver after viewing.
would definitely end this way, except that the school in an idyllic reality is an institution for young clones, prospective organ donors, whose life has already been programmed. Its vision is dystopian (or utopian?) Of an alternative world, where life expectancy has lengthened, the most humiliating diseases become curable and all this thanks to cloning legalized. The problem Ethics seems to have exceeded its legal, but psychological.
How could it be different from any other life than a clone? Awaits them tasteless and miserable existence or be able to demonstrate that they have a soul?

The director Mark Romanek is moving in a gentle, warm colors, hypnotic. ; The melancholy hovers over everything the film and, in particular, the three protagonists who seem resigned to their saving mission. The physical mortification to which they are subject is barely touched by the director who prefers to stay on an emotional level, rather than ethical. The effect is alienating. I was expecting a science fiction story and yet I find myself in front of a story with shades myths and heartbreaking. Perhaps this is apparent and the total balance is so painful for the viewer.
A touching film, intense in its minimalism. And so the cast: Andrew Garfield (which I personally loved "The Social Network"), Keira Knightley (A little 'fuzzy, overshadowed the other main character) and Carey Mulligan (clearly declined in the role).
In general, the film moves very quietly until the final explosive (as opposed performance of the film) and so the actors, modest and deeply absorbed from the air, except in flashes, the character of Ruth. This should not lead you to think that the pace of the film is slow because the story is engaging, interesting, and it is impossible that there is no escape down a tear. The effect is short of three puppies abandoned on the street, victims of an injustice not to give up to get excited and excited to be reflected.

The atmosphere is magical, out of time and space, a touch of melancholy elegance. Wonderful photography. Excellent film.

Rating: 8.5.

PS I forgot to tell you that the film is based on beautiful novel by Kazuo Ishiguro.

Phrases For Condolences

the woman is moving ........

oh mamma.....quanto tempo dall'ultimo post...
but lately I have thousands of ideas for the head! As the song says ?...... the woman is mobile, Like a feather in the wind, She changes her accent, and thought ....... and I fact, I would like this, I would like that. The fact is that last week I bought a shirt that I was immediately inspired ... because it reminded me of those worn by painters and artists in general (you know, are a bit strange!) ..... that made me feel immediately creative!
..... I am not sure these days were very easy .... divided between the course of fiscal operations, the influence Piero and sadness because it is the lack of strong Roberto , dear boy. Despite all this though, I peeked in your blog (but how good you are particularly !!!!!!).... I have seen some good work by Luciana of Things LU with its squares of wood, and Carmen , blog Crosses and delights with its beautiful printed cushions ...... and then I decided! I had to create myself.
I pulled out of the closet an old white sheet of cotton, patched in several places but .... di una qualità difficile da trovare oggi (è della mamma di Piero!), ho tagliato dei quadrati in misura poco meno dell'A4, ho acceso il pc e la stampante.......e ho stampato!
Poi, ho bruciacchiato (ma nn mi sono bruciata!!!!!!!) gli orli di un avanzo per verificare l'effetto.
Che bello, mi è proprio piaciuto e così son venuti fuori dei quadrettini niente, ma proprio niente, male!!!!!!!! Sono cuciti allo stesso modo dei miei profumabiancheria e infatti, dentro ho messo un pò di lavanda! Appesi al muro son davvero particolari! Per ora ne ho creati 3 but as soon as I can find some other nice images I am sure that others soon will come!
... and here's the finished picture!
ah, I forgot! here is the shirt ...
mmmmmhhhhhh, I'd say that's enough for today ................... nay! first I show you a little more heart! (But Valentine is not already past !??!!??!!!)
but I have many other things to make you see ...... although I do not know when! Meanwhile buonagiornatadisole for today!
(here is, fortunately, even if it freeeeddddddddoooooooo)!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Should I Shower Before Or After A Brazilian

My friends

Berlusconi and the Middle East:

"I am bound by true friendship with President Mubarak of Egypt, the Libyan President Gaddafi and President Ben Ali of Tunisia."

Scene glucagon directly from the remake of "The Godfather"

Colonel Gaddafi is a politician of "profound wisdom", a "leader of freedom," a person "very intelligent, otherwise it would not be in power for more than 40 years."

hot situation in Libya, Gaddafi in the bunker, mercenaries coming

"I have not heard Gaddafi. The situation is evolving, and then I would not disturb anyone. "
And no, God forbid, God forbid. Do not disturb it, for that matter at stake is only our economy and the future of millions of people whose human rights are violated every day more and more.


What a delightful picture!
"I trust and believe that all Westerners think the same thing: that in Egypt there might be a transition to a more democratic system without breaking with President Mubarak as from around the West, U.S. head, è stato sempre considerato l'uomo più saggio ed un punto di riferimento preciso per tutto il Medio oriente».   Quando si dice vederci lontano,eh!


Mubarak si è dimostrato un "saggio" leader, un politico da cui prendere “lezioni di democrazia”, uno che "non può andarsene" because after all "for 30 years at the helm of his country" and that "2 million people took to the streets are few when compared to 80 total.

And Tunisia is another Luna-Park:
bloody battles in Tunisia, Ben Ali and his wife arrested.

There is evidence, bring bad luck.
PS Nice to note that our foreign policy is flawed, incompetent, improvident. Frattini is a kind of puppet or silent when he speaks, parroting.