Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pokemon Chaos Black Cheats Itouch

just a fairy tale?

Ancient legends tell of a sacred period of rebirth of the human spirit. The nine muses decided to bless mankind and made sure to create a window in time where humans could have a new beginning. During this time, all the mistakes, regrets, opportunities lost, the errors of opinion, were erased from memory. It was the time when the fear of failure was turned into strength of character and clarity of purpose. He taught that humans with the right preparation and humility, the soul could make a request to the Universe and your inner being: the flame of regret would have been transmuted into a torch of dreams to realize that he then lit the fire of desire in the heart of humans.

But to make this huge power of creation was being used only for purposes ladies, the flame of creation was hidden in the heart of every new born on earth.
Every child is born with the spark of truth and il seme del suo scopo sulla terra. Se l’essere umano segue il desiderio del suo cuore, la scintilla inizia a rafforzarsi sempre di più, fino a portare al successo. Se l’essere umano prende il sentiero della resistenza al sogno e si accontenta di una vita meno che gloriosa, la scintilla si raffredda e la vita diventa vuota e senza significato, nonostante tutto quello che si ottiene. C’è soltanto un magico istante in cui tutte le scintille vengono rinnovare e riunite in una gloriosa fiamma trionfale… alla nascita di ogni NUOVO ANNO!

La leggenda dei giganti addormentati

Mentre gli anni dell’esistenza umana scorrevano, le scintille della verità che giacevano buried in the hearts of humans became way, way smaller, cooler and hidden. The nine Muses, the inspiration of the human guardians, were baffled. But humans did not know that their lives had been created to be a blessing, full of love and abundance? Why do we live as small and insignificant insects? But humans did not remember, to be the Giants, with the power to manifest wonderful things? But they were not aware of how beautiful and glorious? Why choose suffering instead of joy? But how could they prefer poverty to wealth? Why choose fear instead of love? Did not know they have within themselves the power to create a magical world full of joy?

Era come se un pesante velo di sonnolenza fosse caduto sulla Terra ed era come se gli umani fossero divenuti vittime della vita, invece di seguire il loro scopo originale che era quello di esserne gli artefici. Tutto ciò che gli umani dovevano fare era seguire il desiderio del loro cuore, proteggere i loro pensieri dalla negatività e focalizzarsi sull’amore.

Le nove Muse decisero allora di mettere fine alla sofferenza e si misero all’opera per creare un rimedio che potesse aiutare gli umani addormentati. Chiamarono gli Antichi Dei e chiesero il loro aiuto per riportare equilibrio sulla terra.

Diedero a Mnemosyn (Memoria) il compito di liberare le menti degli umani dal passato. Con this clean slate, every spirit he could start over.
The Muse then asked that mankind could also receive other gifts
Eros (Cupid) offered to fill their hearts with compassion, first for themselves, and then when you were finally at peace, their love unconditional would be flowed to others.

Himerus (Desire), who lived with joy, he would have blown, reviving the spark of truth in every heart, renewing the passion for life.

Kronos (Time) offered to open a breach in time, in which humans could get rid of the past. At the stroke of midnight on December 31 each year, the past would have been declared over and all matters pending and the regrets were burned to allow the rebirth of the spirit.

The Muse then asked the strength, wisdom and power of the ancient Gods and Goddesses to help people address their fears, to atone for their mistakes and to forgive themselves.

Zelus (Ardmore) would give humans the ability to recognize their own gifts and qualities of others and the ability to recognize the teachers from whom to learn.

Cratos Force (ISAF), would have fortified the humans with the courage to face things that would be addressed in order to allow the spirit to grow.

Eos (Dawn) promised a new beginning every 24 hours, Helious (Sun) to ensure warmth and encouragement, and Soliel (Luna) promised rest and health improvement.

Eunomia (Order) to humans would remember the first law of abundance, would have put all things in order, first in the hearts and minds, so you can then place the outside world.

Dike (Justice) would have helped humans to forgive and let go of everything he had done them wrong. For all that would have forgiven him, would be forgiven in turn.

Eirene (Peace) would bring the gift of silence of the mind through which humans would could finally hear the voice of your inner being, which would lead them to truth.

Charities (Grace) would fill the human spirit of kindness, so they could walk in the light world and bless all those they met.

Muse And when they saw everything that had been brought as a gift to the glorious rebirth of humanity, this prepared statement:

"Every human being who accept these gifts, let go of the past and bless others with forgiveness and grace, will be liberated from the pain of his past mistakes. We will ensure the guidance and the protection of Metis (Thought) and deliver the gifts of Nike (Victory) throughout the year to come. "

The Muse then advised humans to protect their dreams from the effects of events and negative people.

" Embrace your vision and nurtured the seeds of possibility. Share these thoughts with people who understand you. Build a fortress around your minds so that only positive thoughts can live here. The law of the Universe will bring you the results. Whatever thoughts you plant, the universe then we will harvest. Be careful to plant thoughts of love and positive energy in order to have a crop full of abundance "

Then Calliope, the representative designated by the Muses, he sent these gifts to Earth
"Children of the Universe, the time has come to be reborn. At the stroke of midnight on December 31, you must complete the circle the past, forgive yourself, your brothers and your sisters, be thankful for everything you have and to proclaim the beginning of your future "
And with these gifts received, accepted and used in the right way , the flames in the hearts of humans began to sparkle and then burn dazzling. The Muses and the Gods saw some flames get higher and higher strong and higher, until they touch and turn on the ignition of all those who stood by humans who had accepted the gifts. The weapons were bartered with the plows, the gifts were shared with the less fortunate, and lives with renewed love. The gifts of abundance and joy began to spread throughout the world.
And you, that human laws:
to the new year bring you all the love, health, wealth, passion, happiness, joy and fun you deserve.


Inglese version here
Freely translated by me from the link above and who delights in magic (but not) go here and start using the gifts! (Why, yes, already! This is NOT just a fairy tale, Among other things, also prepared tissues)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Compact Kegerator Build


I'm not disappeared, but it's a moment a bit 'hectic (you know what a surprise!), I'll write soon!

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Does Tooth Tartar Look Like


There are movies (and rare) that when you look at, they give you such a charge to pass two hours of vitality to smile, laugh and sing mentally.

But when it happens that the protagonist, after singing, you look straight in the eye (yes, YOU!) And ask if you want some more, and you find yourself saying sisisisisi! And then she'll sing / dance another song that you know all the words and you can not help but sing too in spite of the girl sitting next to you, (which has been in the trailer for sollucchero Twillight and then yawned throughout the film), you look like you're mad, then you're a movie, you've probably spent plenty of their thirties and are looking MAMMA MIA!

La mia scena perfetta? Tutte le donne del paese dai 10 ai 90 anni che scendono al mare cantando e ballando Dancing Queen! Esaltante! Ciapate qua (trovato tutto!):
E questa è la seconda classificata:

La scena perfetta per il coinquilino ? L’assalto del gruppetto delle ventenni ai due quaranta/cinquantenni sulle note di Gimme, gimme, gimme (a man after midnight). Diciamocelo: è il suo sogno! Tanto che capire because we are different ...

If, when the DVD comes out, with the obligation to organize an evening singing and dancing, who joins?


Every year before Christmas HERE namely Norway, Merete Veian, prepare a Christmas mystery, sometimes panels, sometimes centerpiece (which in 2006 was something unwatchable ...). This year you can choose to make place mats or a tablecloth or a table centerpiece. I wonder how they will be!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mario Salieri Dvd Streaming


A couple of weeks ago he was happily going to Vicenza, when he began to speak (I think Diana has been to engage in the discussion! Diana: I will not thank you enough! I discovered Susy who started from the following: Susy: I will not thank you enough! ), these ladies and young ladies who joined the network in a large group, dedicated themselves to the difficult art Sisisisi order ... you read that right: Order! The opposite of disorder ...

not familiar with the concept of order, I asked for clarification waaay concerned, but when I learned that the first step to start this new relationship of love with the clean, was clean and sparkle to the sink from the top of my "clutter-pile", I made a good laugh.

But I certainly did not need to polish the sink, because I had just taken bell'apposta in granite instead of steel! To avoid having to shine!

The second step was to dress and makeup every morning, but I already did this, working outside the home! So I continued to giggle and I pretended not to!


me since I then I have to digest things, one day coming home mi sono guardata in giro ed ho notato che ero circondata dal disordine ed ogni volta che devo invitare qualcuno a casa (fosse anche il vicino di casa, che mi sistema il computer) mi prendeva l’angoscia. Così, giusto per curiosità sono andata a curiosare nel sito della cara FLYLADY … che poi FLY starebbe per Finally Loving Yourself… ed ho scoperto che non ero l’unica ad essere affetta dal C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t have anyone over Syndrome) cioè il terrore degli ospiti inattesi!

Era il 3 novembre 2008! Era un mercoledì e dopo aver lavorato fino alle 6 della sera, sono tornata a casa e con guanti, candeggina, detergenti ed olio di gomito, HO FATTO SPARK THE SINK. Yes, despite being in granite! (And so I discovered / remembered that I was originally white and yellow, er, er)!

What can I say? It 'been a week, I'm back on its feet slowly, slowly (very very slowly, taking baby steps, as they say, and even stumbling over a lot) but I'm reclaiming the house.

account soon to take control and command me and not you!

perhaps become a maniac order?? Nooo! I remain convinced that a house is sparkling sign of a wasted life, and has also spent too little time for being released from CHAOS,


the kitchen sink was always sparkling, the rest of the kitchen and the bathroom does not cry mercy is present (note: I did not say shiny!) And believe me when I say that to me a week so it's a miracle!

you concerned that the site is in English? Lodi, praise, praise to the girls in the group FLYLADYITALIA that translate perfectly all in Italian, they send the reminder at the right time and learn from new things every day!

And I also already made my Control Journal, but how good I am! I award myself!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Poptropica How To Make A Person


Ovvero: SCARSISSIMI avanzamenti del lunedì:

Nuancier, che comincia ad avere dei buchi qua e là e dovrò proprio decidermi a mettere un po’ in ordine i fili e a trovare i dispersi…

Summer sampler di Butternutt Road , ormai in dirittura d’arrivo… ma aspettiamo a festeggiare perchè è più o meno in dirittura da 5 anni…

Il Parolin è bloccato per troppi errori… e per far posto ad impegni natalizi!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Genital Warts In Toddlers


MAY YOUR PUMPKIN scare the negative, but lights the way to your loved ones!

And since this is a blog about embroidery, here's a free theme San Man Originals embroidered on linen for the first time from my cousin Barbara, who pulled me your ears without having been warned in Vicenza .

not worry, we'll make to Skillfully Spring, began to save pennies!
Barbara, but then you made the big teeth of bats with the white wire? And what happened to the blog Babyworld?? There are no secrets to keep the witches like me! Uahahahaha!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Towel Brand Is The Strongest


A couple of weeks ago I won a competition launched by Elena on her blog . You had to guess the subject of an embroidery, thanks to "help" I found it was Merry Ho Ho from Lizzie Kate and this is the content of Buston gift that Helen gave me during a meeting with small crosses, a girl, a tramway, coffee and ice cream, and what's better than all these things put together?

A beautiful new cloth, which is perfect size, perfect for a nice centerpiece monochrome type Parolin.
A first set of American textiles or later, in a close encounter with a sewing machine, will find their reason for being. Many
clouds and a beautiful moon glow over the rubber to attack.
Two candles, that Julia has exchanged for candy, because they are so delicious that just seem!
And last but not least a box of beads from one of my favorite colors that are like cheese on macaroni with stoffetta for the banner I made in Vicenza!
FAT! Now wait for the next contest!


Skillfully post 3
Ah yes, I forgot that I took to Skillfully also two garlands of sad branches that probably will go to the cellar to make the mold ... and Gaya Susy: I told you that I would not buy them!