Friday, January 28, 2011

Example Of Implantation Spotting

apology .......& tutorial & sunflowers!

questa settimama è stata impegnativa e ho avuto davvero pochissimo tempo da dedicare al cucito, al decoupage...a tutto insomma! Stamani, però, mi sono imposta di fare almeno una capatina sul blog, prima di andare a lezione e proporvi un tutorial e altri lavoretti! Intanto vorrei chiedere scusa a voi, che lasciate sempre dei commenti così deliziosi perchè non passo a trovarvi o non rispondo subito..........! In ogni caso mi riprometto di farlo....! Dunque, come vi ho accennato, ho preparato anche un breve tutorial sulle roselline all'uncinetto. Come sempre una premessa è a must: it is more difficult to explain to them, so I assure you that after the first attempt you will be fine ...... and anyway, I will do so, but it is said that there is an easier way. What do you say, let's ?????
Well, then get yourself the thread that you like .... I use the advanced cottons do not know what to use a crochet hook and 12-14 (dipende!) and start closing in a circle 6 chains . 1 revolution to repeat: 1 treble and a chain until you get 8 spaces .... (See the picture!)
At around 2 in every empty space included: a crochet, mesh high 3, a crochet. Repeat in all spaces and you have eight petals so small ........
at this point, processing continues on the back of the work .... it is not difficult. At around 3 you have to make bows that will be used for larger petals. Makes 3 chains and, on the back of work, point the treble hook on the first lap ......
will get 8 more spaces. If you want to say so unfold the petals, and instead of 8, as the first, to create for example 5, a top high jump and point to the next ......
Now We believe in the fourth round, inserted in the arches created by the petals, a crochet, 5 crochet sweaters and a high (in the same bow ).... proceed as for all the spaces created ......( wonder if I can explain!)
Well, you have created around the petals. To achieve the third round of the petals, remember that you should aim to create the arches no longer on the treble hook of the first lap but among the lowest of the petals SWEATER later rounds. Continue in this manner until all the other circles of petals you like, making sure to increase at every turn: a shirt and bow, and 2 more for each mesh upper petal .......
Done ! Your rose is ready ............. I hope to be able to explain with words to do something that is easier molltttoooo .............. Now can be used however you like, or suggests your imagination .......
as a pendant for a key example ...... ........
..... or, in view of the carnival as ...... nose! ................. Joke obviously but I enjoyed myself at this picture!
And then, I want to see what I've done with a wire Pirkka (macro thread, which I bought with a price ................. Zest .... the usual, in the Mattonaia ,................ but I liked it very much!). I like sunflowers ..... and as the sun peeps out every now and feel like spring ...... voila. A bit of dry branches, twine and raffia and two beautiful sunflowers moltoooo ........ I find them cute and bring some color into the house!
Si, decisamente mi piace anche realizzare i fiori con il filo pirkka! E per finire....ieri è stata una giornata importante, perchè è la giornata della Memoria , ma è anche il giorno in cui si festeggia Sant'Angela Merici ....e allora Piero, per festeggiare il mio onomastico, è tornato dal lavoro con questo bel mazzo di rose.....anche se gialle (chissà sarà geloso o avrà pensato di portare anche lui un pò di colore in casa.........?)........che dire?
...che è arrivata l'ora di terminare questo post e rileggermi..tutti gli oneri ammessi in detrazione (uffaaaa are a lot and now we even have a test to see everything we have understood ..... in these days of theory lessons!).
Ahhhhhhhhhhh .... I almost forgot, but I say this not because the bottom is less important, but is that with age the memory goes down the drain .......... dear Latinka , Hungarian, (but I do not know whether his name!) gave me a prize .... and for that I thank you very much. Thank you dear .....! I am really very happy ......:-))

.... Carmen, where I find the address of your blog ?...... kisses kisses and good all at all!


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