Friday, January 28, 2011

Example Of Implantation Spotting

apology .......& tutorial & sunflowers!

questa settimama è stata impegnativa e ho avuto davvero pochissimo tempo da dedicare al cucito, al decoupage...a tutto insomma! Stamani, però, mi sono imposta di fare almeno una capatina sul blog, prima di andare a lezione e proporvi un tutorial e altri lavoretti! Intanto vorrei chiedere scusa a voi, che lasciate sempre dei commenti così deliziosi perchè non passo a trovarvi o non rispondo subito..........! In ogni caso mi riprometto di farlo....! Dunque, come vi ho accennato, ho preparato anche un breve tutorial sulle roselline all'uncinetto. Come sempre una premessa è a must: it is more difficult to explain to them, so I assure you that after the first attempt you will be fine ...... and anyway, I will do so, but it is said that there is an easier way. What do you say, let's ?????
Well, then get yourself the thread that you like .... I use the advanced cottons do not know what to use a crochet hook and 12-14 (dipende!) and start closing in a circle 6 chains . 1 revolution to repeat: 1 treble and a chain until you get 8 spaces .... (See the picture!)
At around 2 in every empty space included: a crochet, mesh high 3, a crochet. Repeat in all spaces and you have eight petals so small ........
at this point, processing continues on the back of the work .... it is not difficult. At around 3 you have to make bows that will be used for larger petals. Makes 3 chains and, on the back of work, point the treble hook on the first lap ......
will get 8 more spaces. If you want to say so unfold the petals, and instead of 8, as the first, to create for example 5, a top high jump and point to the next ......
Now We believe in the fourth round, inserted in the arches created by the petals, a crochet, 5 crochet sweaters and a high (in the same bow ).... proceed as for all the spaces created ......( wonder if I can explain!)
Well, you have created around the petals. To achieve the third round of the petals, remember that you should aim to create the arches no longer on the treble hook of the first lap but among the lowest of the petals SWEATER later rounds. Continue in this manner until all the other circles of petals you like, making sure to increase at every turn: a shirt and bow, and 2 more for each mesh upper petal .......
Done ! Your rose is ready ............. I hope to be able to explain with words to do something that is easier molltttoooo .............. Now can be used however you like, or suggests your imagination .......
as a pendant for a key example ...... ........
..... or, in view of the carnival as ...... nose! ................. Joke obviously but I enjoyed myself at this picture!
And then, I want to see what I've done with a wire Pirkka (macro thread, which I bought with a price ................. Zest .... the usual, in the Mattonaia ,................ but I liked it very much!). I like sunflowers ..... and as the sun peeps out every now and feel like spring ...... voila. A bit of dry branches, twine and raffia and two beautiful sunflowers moltoooo ........ I find them cute and bring some color into the house!
Si, decisamente mi piace anche realizzare i fiori con il filo pirkka! E per finire....ieri è stata una giornata importante, perchè è la giornata della Memoria , ma è anche il giorno in cui si festeggia Sant'Angela Merici ....e allora Piero, per festeggiare il mio onomastico, è tornato dal lavoro con questo bel mazzo di rose.....anche se gialle (chissà sarà geloso o avrà pensato di portare anche lui un pò di colore in casa.........?)........che dire?
...che è arrivata l'ora di terminare questo post e rileggermi..tutti gli oneri ammessi in detrazione (uffaaaa are a lot and now we even have a test to see everything we have understood ..... in these days of theory lessons!).
Ahhhhhhhhhhh .... I almost forgot, but I say this not because the bottom is less important, but is that with age the memory goes down the drain .......... dear Latinka , Hungarian, (but I do not know whether his name!) gave me a prize .... and for that I thank you very much. Thank you dear .....! I am really very happy ......:-))

.... Carmen, where I find the address of your blog ?...... kisses kisses and good all at all!

Monday, January 24, 2011

14 Year Old Headscissor


Con un giorno di ritardo, arriva l'atteso (o almeno, spero) appuntamento con la rubrica di cinema, che praticamente è quella su cui si poggia il blog, è inutile che ci prendiamo in giro.
Questo meso ho visto qualcosa come una trentina di film e ne ho recensiti si e no, due o tre.
Mi rifarò senz'altro. Ma non ora.
Già, perchè non ho molto tempo a disposizione...domani ho l'esame pratico per la patente, devo sbrigare alcune grane in università e infine,se sarò ancora integra, devo preparare la valigia perchè parto per Firenze per una settimana.
Quindi, adios amigos!
Ma prima di partire (tra l'altro una settimana prima dell'esame in università,sono proprio un genio!) non potevo non recensire (si fa per dire,eh) il I went to see films at the cinema on Saturday night, instead of run around drunk in the center like every damn Saturday (but that's another story).

"I'm not bad, I only have the dark side a bit 'pronounced"

I once heard that was the Vallanzasca 'only real Italian gangsters. And where there can not be a gangster film. What then is directed by Michele Placido, one of the few in Italy to have, in terms of film, original ideas, and especially outside the family context in which it seems our beloved relegated our cinema, that can not be a point in his favor.
The beautiful Renee is masterfully played by Kim Rossi Stuart a very unexpectedly brilliant. And he is the only star of the film, do not expect another Romanzo Criminale, despite the superb performances of Filippo Timi and Francesco Scianna.
The real highlight of the film è l'adesione registica totale all'affascinante criminale milanese, al suo viaggio schizofrenico,travolgente, tra devianza e lucidità, tra amori e morte. 
Una vita stupefacente nella mente stupefatta di uno spregiudicato, disarmante, violento e irrefrenabile ladro. Non c'è nessuna pietas o giustificazione per le sue azioni. Lui è un ladro. è fatto così. Che poi ti sappia catturare con il suo sguardo magnetico, sprezzante e  terribile, è imputabile alla natura umana, non è certo colpa di Placido. è il fascino del male, la storia più antica del mondo. La ribellione di Lucifero. 
Non manca mai una sorta di malinconia, di rimpianto, per la vita che sarebbe potuta essere ma non è, e le occasioni non sono mancate. Non manca l'ironia nera,nerissima di un cattivo, che sa di essere dalla parte del torto ma d'altronde è l'unica parte dalla quale può stare. Non manca il senso del tempo che inesorabile riesce a smorzare e a sbriciolare gli spiriti più indomabili, persino uno come Renato Vallanzasca, uno che era così irrefrenabile da lacerarsi the chest with a knife over and over again, mainly due to scarring. One who has chosen to live against. That's who was Renato Vallanzasca. And if you think you've got something about him does not mean that you will never understand what it was, was and still is.
There are simply stories that are worth being told. Why are profoundly beautiful, both artistically and humanly. And that the king of Comasina is one of them. I hope this film is not boycotted by the victims because of the gangster film is simply art, and art should not be confused with the school, Justice, courts and so on.

The setting has now become quite dear to our peninsula cinematically, and with good reason, I would say. The 70 'is an inexhaustible source of aesthetic ideas, as well as historical scaffolding to build on the original for a movie like this. And Placido it does not miss the opportunity to give us a film noir-edged (and that noir!), visually spectacular, featuring a wealth of details, from the glasses of the alien brother Renato, Enzo (Filippo Timi), and ending with the helmets (which they wink at the progressive spirit of the time) actresses.
The abundance technique, moreover, was assured.

A special note to the soundtrack, which also sees the contribution of Giuliano Sangiorgi, frontman for the occasion Negramaro turns out a pretty good treat.
The director did not brilliant but momentum is set perfectly by the skilful hand of Placido, a rate that more engaging and interesting solutions (particularly disturbing scene of the cockroach).
really good cast, even the weakest performances are easily forgiven and still overwhelmed by the skill of the actors, especially the chameleon (it must be said) Kim Rossi Stuart who before this film snubbed without remorse.
rating : 9

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fritolay Screen Savers

Don Quixote Wears Prada.

Not even Don Quixote of La Mancha and his faithful friend Sancho Panza would have been up to the daunting task that had to fulfill the 'on Tuesday evening Santanchè Annozero.
With a nervous breakdown from the heat and the usual grim arrogance, the poor thing has had to navigate between interceptions, women police, the man-archive Marco Travaglio and sarcasm (which is worth a thousand sporoloqui) corrosive Santoro.
The mission was almost impossible: the Santanchè hoped to persuade by rational argument, the viewers that the "poor things" were not investigated escort. In fact, strongly emphasized the "violence" of journalists, "espionage" to the detriment of popes nientepocodimeno that Silvio Berlusconi, it is stored in the address book of one of the prostitutes in Brazil, along with "Rubbi Troy" (and here we Daniela furious genius comes with a flash to say that it is a nickname coined by her friends).
does not matter box office hits that blast, even manages to miss the residence of the White House, mistaking it for New York, no matter the tide of the inaccuracies which incurs (Annozero is self-financed by advertising, the rent has to do very little rai and the statements of Commons were not anonymous), she continues undeterred in its mad rush toward the stage and its final departure from the scene, as a dramatic charge that is equal only to the Medea of \u200b\u200bEuripides, a satirical cartoon which obviously has not caught the spirit.
But the highlight of the evening contained in the video I posted just above. The Director of the Unit Concita de Gregorio, makes you notice her sudden change of mind about the dear Silvio Popes and the apparent inconsistency of his case "pro whores", since the presence of a market, a theater sad worse Bagaglino is witnessed by the friends of Santanchè, not by others: Lele Mora in the first game that encourages the doctor's one of his "horse race" and the beloved Fido Humble who speaks of "fights" between escort contending the apartments, which were previously the "hunger", even "the pomp ..." for 300 €. Modern Cinderella.
At this point, the Santanchè is appalled by such great malice against defenseless young girls (and no, not speaking of interceptions, but the reporter's claims that it even allows appoint the Pope). at this point is who decides to pull the trump card: the strong defense of Catholic values \u200b\u200bof the attacks and intrusive Communist espionage politicization of the Judiciary, endorsed by the journalism of misinformation. ; nonsochi Even this basin, a journalist of the Unit, it allows you to bring in the Pope, who is in favor of abortion and, even worse, in favor of the recognition of gay couples!

Embee , you would like to?

Some sword defends prime minister who goes to whores and some want grant rights to people who love each other, regardless of their identity sexual. This is a serious affront to the values \u200b\u200bof the Christian family!
" you call morality, I call it hypocrisy."

Historical Figures With Turner's Syndrome

sometimes come back!

sometimes return .........!
Of course, I refer to ...... my passions is for decoupage on fabric (in fact, interpreted and made my way, all that is strange!). This week I have not had much time. I started a course for fiscal operator (but I do see us in tax returns ???????.... what you do not even try to work seriously!) and for this reason they are scarcely present on the blog, although the cell occasionally spout some open network and are then ready to sail into your blog, always so interesting! But yesterday, I deliberately spent the morning between stoffe, fili e tutto ciò che mi ispira qualcosa di buono. E allora, ripensando ai pannellini realizzati per il Natale (e che ho venduto subito al mercatino! e mi è pure mi affeziono a ciò che faccio!) ne ho creati altri un pò più primaverili (uffa è ancora così lontana la primavera!)......eccoli qua! 
Ho utilizzato sempre gli stessi materiali: cotone avanzato, gambi di rose secche, spago, imbottitura e immagini di tovaglioli per decoupage! questo un pò di fiori........... questo invece, una tenera fanciulla che innaffia i suoi fiori.........
...infine, altri vasi dai colori più brillanti!
Oggi, questo post è un pò lungo...perchè sono riuscita a preparare il tutorial per le galline. Non so se si tratti del procedimento corretto, ma le galline le ho scovate nel blog di Country Laura , e guardando le foto penso che si facciano nel modo seguente.
Intanto vi occorrono:
- A rectangle of fabric with the long side measuring more than twice as short (in my case 14 x 28 cm, with no seams!)
foam -
-stones - a piece of gingham fabric for the crest and beak
Draw up a cardboard template for the crest and beak as they appear in photos, sewn, turned and slightly padded ....
Along the short side at about 2 cm pinned its beak, while the longer side of the ridge ........
sewn on both sides, leaving However, the side where the ridge is inserted to fill an opening.
folded in half, the side where the spout, open seams and sewn on its side where the ridge is not (I hope I explained myself !)....

turned and padded by including the stones ........
Sew the opening with the machine or by hand, as you prefer.
Finally, made the eyes, adding a bit of wire colored and knotted.
Your chicken is done! It is not at all difficult. What do you say, it is not pretty ?????..... though perhaps I had a long beak a little and I put a little too low ..... but fair enough!
...... and here she is to stop the door !!!!!!! Too bad that does not make the eggs .... maybe a good dessert, homemade, with fresh eggs and this cold weather we would be really good !!!!!!!!!!!

I hope I have been clear. Now I go, I expect land income, deductions and charges .........:-)