Monday, August 31, 2009

Blue Print For Miniature Wooden Trebuchet


Trattamento familiare, prezzi modici, aria condizionata, atmosfera accogliente, trattamento di pensione completa.

Ed ecco il mio primo pensionante:

Il timidissimo gatto Barakobama (soprannominato Ron-ron per l’abitudine di fare le fusa a tutti quelli che vede) ha prenotato per 4 giorni di pensione completa, all inclusive, coccole comprese.

Sono due giorni che mi osserva dalla finestra del bagno ed ancora non si decide a perlustrare il circondario...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fotos Dé Denise Milani


che circonda la Micromagione…

The Eaglet
This is the estimated age of an infant to two years. The Eaglet loves to wake up at dawn during the week, including weekend and all share in making the building of how happy I am that "NO MORE SLEEPS! '" The Eaglet has a male parent, fine psychologist, believes that yelling at a child crying "So!" or "Enough now!" is done immediately to stop crying, you get such logic, the opposite effect. The Eaglet also has a female parent who assists with urletti and laughter, forced to give the alarm to the whole neighborhood.

The Magnificent couple loves to practice the difficult art of the insult lightly throughout the week, with a final impressive fireworks show, preferably on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
the usual: "I do not understand a c ..." and "vaffanc but ...", was recently added to the fearsome variant of "And your mother, blah, blah, blah ..." Ah, mothers-cross and delight (but where?) of all brides.

The Family Heart actors' role is up to mother and child. They also learn the art of the insult (Focusing mostly on the lack of employment of the child), but have not yet reached the heights of the Magnificent couple that remains, for now, undefeated, as well as the variety of insults, including for the volume.

THE Piagnoni
And 'The Piagnoni likely to have the very big problems that make spending entire nights crying out loud (very loud ...) and certainly do not want to go into the reasons I do not know, but I wonder whether that need to open the windows on the terrace is to share with the whole neighborhood.

I Grandchild PART-TIME
Number 3 school-age children who spend the early afternoon to do the race who screams more in the garden. At the request shouted, "Grandma, come on?" The answer is the crafty old woman: "No, no, stay there!" To help his grandmother, usually comes after a couple of hours, the grandfather who timidly asks the three vandals: "You want to come for a bike ride?" The answer is no, the old man gloats: "Then I go, I'll see you in a while '" And so, faster than light!
Fortunately for grandparents and for me, these visits are not enough parental time to time.

The Ghenga Rasta, consists of a group of boys of the apparent age of 16-18 years, equipped with a motor, that instead of spending evenings at the bar, decided to come and get some fresh air in the windows of the micro mansion. They usually swarm around 11 pm and raccontarsela for hours. Fairly quiet, however the peaks of uncontrolled laughter, certainly understandable for their age, but if only I knew where they live, go to do them the favor at 6.30 am and that is when I get up to go to work and they probably go to sleep ...

The Hound of the Baskervilles The Hound of the Baskervilles
suffer from attacks of "Abba wild" that continue incessantly day and night, with the same frequency, even for half an hour, interspersed with da lunghi silenzi per poi ricominciare. Io mi chiedo quando dorma…

Adesso capirete perché da quando mi sono trasferita, ho spesso bisogno dell’aiuto di questi due incomparabili amici:

E voi, che fauna avete?

Monday, August 10, 2009

How To Tilt Your Lacrosse Helmet


Arrieccome qua!
Dalla micromagione, dotata di portatilino rosa + adsl; munita di lavoro vecchio ed “allontanata” dal decennale moroso che pare si stia già consolando altrove… Riprendo le fila del blog, comunicando che ho ripreso a ricamare (MIRACOLO!)
Ho tirato fuori 5 ricami che dovrebbero essere appesi home in the fall and I do to do to be able to finish something by September:
Ezmeralda's Home Brightneedle
The seasons of Bent Creek
Behind the gate of Blue Ribbon Design
Hazel's Wardrobe Sue Hillis

Eh, eh, I put the angel of love to laugh!

As for sewing, I have a panel with the witches to prepare for Halloween and are sooo undecided about Dear Jane, in the sense that I took a fancy to do it all one color ... and I do not know what color to choose ... Turquoise ? Blue? Rose? Orange? Or maybe Batik?
E ' a monumental work and want something that I really like.

Friday, August 7, 2009
