Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is Genital Hsv1 Less Contagious 2010

Misfits (Cult!)

Oh! La rubrica fantasma è riapparsa! No,in realtà non sapevo che titolo mettere al post e visto che vorrei parlarvi di una serie tv ormai diventata cult, perchè non sfruttare il nome della mia sfortunatissima rubrica latitante? 

Prodotta dalla Clerkenwell Films e trasmessa dal canale televisivo E4, Misfits o The Misfits (letteralmente, i disadattati) è la serie televisiva britannica che ha sconvolto il mondo del teen-drama.
Si, perchè di teen ha poco e nulla, nonostante si ostinino a volerla etichettare così. E no, non stiamo parlando delle parolacce. 
Ma andiamo con ordine. 

La serie tratta le vicende di un gruppo di "ragazzi difficili",sbandati, disorientati,disadattati,emarginati (e chi più ne ha,più ne metta,)stile Skins so to speak, forced to social services because of their ability to do the bad boys. Now, even if you stopped there, the taste is more than fanciful, as in this TV series are all real bastards , ugly, dirty and cattvi ergo interesting and original, especially if the script is treated well, not infected with dull and pathetic scenes (see all teen-drama made in USA).
But there's more.
Yes, because Misfits is mixed with a touch of sci-fi in fact, due to a storm that will not affect only they, our pessimism is found with the .... superpowers!
Who controls the time, who is invisible and so on ...
I already know what you're thinking, inner journey, "With great power comes great responsibility," metamorphosis into superheroes who save the maidens, they get cats from trees and shit like.
Forget it.
The authors of the Misfits, with audacity considerable, they decided, armed digs irony and sarcasm, to take a 'other folk.

Our inglorious bastards in fact remain immersed in the quagmire in which they are indeed we wallow even more than before because the fault of their "powers of shit" find themselves even more messed up than before.

The characters are fabulous, just and good. So I hope that happens every time in every series and instead I find myself surrounded by eight thousand people useless without good just because the writers some dummy for each episode are not able to build dynamic crap. Exactly here the characters are only five (if we exclude some social workers and parents with free exit invisible): Nathan, Simon, Kelly, Alisha and Curtis.
Number one is Nathan, who is not undisputed.
Nathan is my new favorite anti-hero. Arrogant, ipercinico, ready to throw sarcastic barbs at anyone, even her mother. And no. He does not hide a good side, this is his good side. And it is not redeemed. is a total douche bag, without any restraint or sense of decency. For this is to die laughing. We want to talk about her orgasm face? By the way, you fucking old ladies.

Simon seems taken directly from American Beauty. Do you remember the guy with a maniacal look, ready to record anything? For the record, this one:
Well, Simon is the same, only that he peddles. The classic lonely-boy, ready to explode and become a little wild-eyed from homicidal pyromaniac. Yeah! Disturbing, full facets, which records all (with the phone though) maniacally, we like the odd, really!

Kelly is the anti-diva par excellence. Plain and crude. With big eyes and skin from harsh truccatissimi indestructible. And that leads is a pleasure. From even the titles. Bullshit! But even that with a little 'more than common sense, with greater sensitivity, which, let's face it, there must also be a series chock full of so jackass. Distinguishing features: read my mind.

Curtis (promessa dell'atletica ma andato a puttane: causa droga) e Alisha (super-bona, super-troia, promiscua party-girl) sono quelli più noiosetti (e ho detto tutto) anche se tutto sommato insieme fanno scintille.... e senza toccarsi!
Uno dei pregi di Misfits (ma in generale di tutte le serie tv di stampo britannico) è la brevità e l'incisività (sono solo sei gli episodi della prima serie e sette quelli della seconda). 
Si, perchè non è contaminato da ridondanze e prolissità (ad esempio, non deve mandare avanti storyline secondarie di cui non importa una Poker anyone just to fill the holes) but the characters are well characterized and have something to say, possibly with a "fuck" (in all senses) in between.
is true, is blunt, is black as the future of these young, fucked up, then basically they have a particular sensitivity.
These are really sex, drugs and rock'n'roll (or Jay-Z, to follow the tastes of Nathan) and I will do also see and hear. Slang, the strong emphasis that characterizes the absolute trend "politically incorrect" are not unimportant details. They make the show.
this is the novelty. Youth distress (a spark there, a glimpse here) is expressed not with depression and pathos, but with the badness of the road edge and the absurd fantasy element that has a surreal touch to a context, on the contrary, very real. Yeah, sure. Certainly exacerbated, exaggerated, inflated, but this is the task of art. Otherwise it would be boring, flat, banal. As only a reality show knows to be.
Instead Misfits is brilliant, exhilarating in its darkness.
watch it with subs because you absolutely must listen to the voice of Kelly when some threat.


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