Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Canon Reginal Ink Cartridges

5 reasons why I will not look Sanremo.

Mentre da stanotte sulla rete impazzano le cronache sulla prima serata da record del Festival, io decido di andare controcorrente e spiegare perchè io (Like many people my age or not) I have always happily snubbed this pseudo - music event. And I will do in 5 points, just to be schematic.

1) is old.
But old-style antiques, old man just reeks of mold and death.
Vecchio as a palace of one thousand two hundred floors, unsafe, with pieces of plaster falling as pioggiarellina spring moisture and stains on the roof spongy.
old stuff by old men.
old song, old productions, music old. And most older artists.
Yes, because when an artist like Anna Tatangelo CIOVANE or fashion or Emma or chichessia, sing like my grandmother, then I'm too old.
The usual sing-song, the usual tests, the usual horrible pop music Italian, which is not renewed and that is always good for a lazy listener, tamed.
Now I do not want to Flack, ...... but seriously .... what have you brought new to your repertoire, and especially the Italian scene TODAY (attention, today is not yesterday)? None. Why Sanremo, as we try to be "cool and trendy", is the usual rigmarole of the last 100 years. There is the usual fake alternative, there's the usual girl / or out of a reality with the song "just" the usual "song of Sanremo, the usual Albano. The usual mummies, in fact.

2) Il finto interesse per i giovani e l'assoluta mancanza di varietà musicale.
  E questo è il motivo principale per cui io non guardo Sanremo,perchè per gli altri potrei anche soprassedere.
Ora, capisco che il sottotitolo di Sanremo(implicito,eh) sia il Festival non della canzone italiana ma della musica nazionalpopolare Italian (which is very different) but can never be represented (and the exceptions do not count) other types of music? The fact that there is no hip-hop, rock, electronics and so on, should not be an indication of the flatness of this program?
For me if there were interludes between an artist and one could also fall into a deep coma. A song the same as the previous year. No trial, no cross over, no opening, no musical innovation in any sense.
is Sanremo as if living in a parallel dimension, away from the real trends and the music scene and especially from the market. Flat encephalogram.
CIOVANI You want? Where are the kinds of music for young people? Answer: no. Where are the Crookers? The Bloody Beetroots? Ministers? The Verdena? The Club Dogo? Fabri Fibra? I understand that may not like but you can not ignore a fact so important, much more important than Tricarico (with all due respect, eh), but these people are selling in earnest.

3) the schematic.
Beyond the music, it is the setting of the program to have tired of it. Has anyone had the courage to call it "formula Morandi. But what formula Morandi?! Wake up!
is the same formula since she was born television now.
There is a kind of innovative and engaging television.
is schematic set, superficial.
The presenter usually "politically correct" and old, but needless to say, (with Gianni Morandi will talk about later) and the usual two beefy (those are young, rich and famous) sculettano that next. There.
This is the exact picture of what you should never do if you want an innovative program. Get the most popular two beefy (note: in Italy to be famous enough to make half-advertising 50,000 nude, some little program Bagaglino style and of course the cinepanettoni or alternatively you engaged to a Hollywood star, and this makes you a diva. No, small engraved on how gender equality is made in Italy), take a singer old enough to be judged competent, have a nice shiny box, a public authoritative (so old), some stacchetto-like comedian who tends to the pathetic, put him to the two babes the most beautiful clothes and expensive (those are really beautiful) style Made in Italy "and Quach calls guest which increases the audience (and sometimes those they guessed). And you did the program.
A stuff so can only work in Italy.
Cetto How good sign, as there is "Pilu", you win.

4) Hypocrisy.
This big elephant media, this is a sad circus giant commercial machine on which you work all year round. E vi assicuro che la musica è solo l'ultimo dei dettagli. Ma d'altronde si sente. 
  A dimostrazione di ciò, si basti pensare ai due pesi e alle due misure con i quali è stata trattata la vicenda cocaina e per Belen e per Morgan. Belen d'altronde ha fatto uso di coca perchè si sballavano tutti nei locali milanesi, perchè o così o sei fuori. Invece Morgan la usava in una fase della sua vita delicata, di depressione e di cazzi suoi. Quindi.....fuori Morgan. Certo, il ragionamento fila. Chissà come mai,eh. Forse perchè Morgan non ha altro da portare se non art (art and art is both coca is not cocaine. No, just to clarify) and instead plays Belen brings many, many sponsors, a lot of investment, lots of €, in short. Suddenly when it comes to money and audience, "Mamma Rai" (expression old girl, permettetemelo, because there is nothing maternal in this "junk without shame") becomes more elastic, more good, more understanding. What do you do for a pussy, for that matter! And the art? But who cares.
Musical quality is the least of the problems in Sanremo. the facade is what counts.
Because if a showgirl who turned in his underwear on TV until a few days ago, covered, rouge and pretending to be Miss elegance, then all is well. The mask is saved.
But we want them to remember this:

Then if there alongside Gianni Morandi with his air reassuring, Embee.
Bad taste (note the tribal Canalis ultrachic on a dress, very elegant and fine) is hidden, but ubiquitous, behind a simple, golden shell. No matter what goes on behind the scenes, this is San Remo. We do not do certain things. The average Italian can feel safe, the ghosts of quest'Italietta march will not enter into your houses Mulino Bianco.
5) Gianni Morandi
Now if you have not seen the curtain between Luke and Paul and our superhero Gianni, I recommend andarvelo to see on the Internet. It is to laugh.

But before you get involved in the analysis of the presenter, I would like to say a few words on one of the few positive notes of this Sanremo (after Benigni, Battiato and a few others). I'm talking about the song (for me the winner) of this latest and coolest Sanremo, the only one I will remain in his head: "I sputtanerò "Luke and Paul.
It is true that talking about Ruby & Co. is a little 'how to shoot the red cross, but it's always nice to see a glimmer of satire in Vanity Fair. A bit 'of reality in that world but apparently crumbling fairy.
However, the curtain was ruined by the interference immediately after indovinatechi hypocritical? Our dear John! What is clear is immediately disassociated from the satirical song, saying nothing about them! E it seemed strange that there was a Sanremo something fun and slightly off fee hypocrite. It was too weird to be true.

be clear, I have nothing against Gianni Morandi artist / person. There 's I have with her as a presenter reassuring, harmless, domesticated. Mirror of the total emptiness of which is the conductor. A lot of nothing that is swallowing.
If instead of him and the two well-doll oiled, there were cardboard figures would have been the same. Why are useless, completely without personality, plates. But it's not their fault. This is their task to be harmless, low to the correct place, invisible (but not too much because if you leave a tit, the better). In one word: fake .
Why must represent a world that does not appartiente. Why are efforts for Belen has not the slightest idea what it is the simplicity and elegance, as well as pretty. It's not what their job. Their work is to be beautiful and that's it. E Gianni Morandi maintains its position as the guide, banner of a petit bourgeois world that play at Lords, but who remain imprisoned in stereotypes by petit bourgeois everyman: the song to sing, drool over the pretty girl in the made in Italy to show off. And go to bed comfortable.
my part, I do not even need to get on the bed. Sleep is assured on the couch: Sanremo aired on Rai Uno.


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