Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winn Dixie Application Online

When you say consistency.

In Texas recently approved a law making it mandatory ultrasound for women who have decided to abort.
Why? It is not known, although we can guess.
What would be the utility and functionality of this law?
Ah, we are already in Texas: the state where the fanatical extremist Republicans are holding the reins of ethics and morality and individual choice are running under the strict scrutiny of the most obtuse and bigoted puritanism.

Si fa sempre più restrettiva la legge sull'interruzione di gravidanza, un diritto che dovrebbe essere nel 2011 tutelato da qualunque stato che si dichiari civile e democratico. Ma il Texas sembra essere estraneo a queste caratteristiche. 
Andiamo nel dettaglio: l'ecografia coatta(con tanto di esplicazione medica) si dovrebbe eseguire tra le 72 e le 24 ore prima dell'operazione, ufficialmente per assicurarsi che le donne ricevano tutte le spiegazioni sulle conseguenze mediche e psicologiche di un aborto. Cosa c'entri l'auscultazione del battito cardiaco the fetus (if possible) or in the U.S. if there is dark, as the medical practice procedures such delicacy is not alien to the dialogue with the patient before the operation, of course.
Before the screening room to the constraint would be the exception for women victims of abuse and incest, but now they too will be forced to this humiliation.
The intent is clear as well as violent and unacceptable groped to leverage on the conscience, the remorse, the guilt of women involved in a state that refuses to accept. As if abortion was a trip to Luna Park, without this emergency government Texan.
But How successful can such a law? Little or nothing, probably. Much more realistic assumptions to carry their pregnancies to term in another country. So why?
To give a clear, strong, clear signal: we do not accept the idea of \u200b\u200b"killing" a human being, even if scientifically, as you know, it is not still considered such. this is the idea (shared o meno) del governo. Davvero un paese democratico si può permettere di negare un diritto inalienabile come quello della libertà sul proprio corpo? Davvero una donna non può essere responsabile,libera di scegliere se accettare o meno un'esperienza invasiva e stravolgente come una gravidanza, se non a costo di una tale indegna umiliazione? 
Evidentemente le minacce, l'ostracismo del bigotto stato texano ai danni dei medici che praticavano aborti, ai danni delle femministe e delle stesse donne non sono bastati. Serviva qualcosa che andasse davvero oltre il limite, una scelta clamorosa come questa.
How a government can intrude into the individual ethical choices? How a government can afford this kind of abuse?
course, the law was created / approved by men only. As if women (direct interest of this measure) are nothing but puppets loaded, containers to fill and empty, silent, mortified and tormented by an authoritarian, freedom-caste men who set themselves up censors and shapers of consciousness, illuminated by the light of truth and absolute good. Linda men from consciousness, pure, unadulterated mean that knights and paladins of the right to life.
But is it really?
Absolutely not.
Texas is the American state in which it was executed the highest number of executions. The death penalty is not only to legitimize (in defiance of Christianity) but appears to be practiced more than in any other part of the United States. In the face of the right life!
Talk about consistency ....
Source: The Fact


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