" During the Age of Glass, all - Men and women - some of them believed that it was extremely fragile. For some it was a hand, for others the femur and others believed to have the nose of glass. The Age of Glass followed the Stone was introduced as a corrective and evolution in human relations a new sense of fragility that fostered compassion. This period lasted a relatively short time in the history of love - about a century - until a doctor named Ignacio da Silva
introduced a treatment that consisted of laying the patient on the couch and forge a strong embrace of the party, thus demonstrating the truth. The anatomical illusion that had seemed so real but slowly disappeared - like so many things that we can not give up although I had no need - not really. And occasionally, for unknown reasons, resurfaces, suggesting a suspicion that the Age of Glass, as well as the Age of Silence, is never completely finished.
Take for example the guy who walks down the street. Nor would you do if it is the classic type that no one notices, his dress and demeanor are completely anonymous. Usually - it confirms himself - goes unnoticed. It has nothing to itself. Or at least that seems to have nothing, or an umbrella, despite threatening to rain, or a briefcase, although it is rush hour, and around him, bowed to defend themselves from the wind, people starts at home, bound for homes comfortable in the suburbs, where the kids are doing homework at the kitchen table, the smell of dinner fills the air and maybe there's a dog somewhere, there's always a dog in certain houses.
One evening, when this man was still young, he decided to go to a party. There he met a girl who had been his companion since the elementary school, a girl who had always been a bit 'in love even if he was sure that she did not even know of its existence. He had the most beautiful name he had ever heard: Alma. When she saw him near the door, her face lit up and walked toward him to talk. He was incredulous.
They spent a couple of hours. It must have been a great conversation, because at the end Alma told him to close his eyes. Then she kissed him. His kiss was a question he wanted to respond to the rest of his life. He felt himself tremble. He feared to be on the verge of collapse. For anyone else would have been a normal thing, but he was not so simple, because this man believed - and had always believed - that part of him was of glass. He was afraid of making a wrong move, to fall and crumble before her. Reluctantly he withdrew. She lowered her eyes and smiled, hoping she would understand. They talked for hours.
That evening he came home full of joy. He could not sleep he was so excited at the thought of the next evening, when he and Alma would be seen to go to the cinema. He went to pick her up and gave her a bouquet of yellow daffodils. At the movies he fought - and won! - The danger of sitting. He watched the whole movie leaning forward, so that his weight rested on the upper legs e non sulla parte di lui che era fatta di vetro. Se Alma lo notò, non lo diede a vedere. Lui spostò appena il ginocchio, e poi ancora un po’, finché lo appoggiò alla gamba di lei. Stava sudando. Quando il film terminò non avrebbe saputo dire di che cosa parlasse. Le propose di fare una passeggiata nel parco. Questa volta fu lui a fermarsi, prese Alma fra le braccia e la baciò. Quando iniziarono a tremargli le ginocchia e temette di finire disteso a terra fra mille schegge di vetro, dovette resistere all’impulso di allontanarsi. Le fece scivolare le dita lungo la schiena sfiorandole la camicetta leggera, e per un istante dimenticò il pericolo, grato al mondo che crea le divisioni proprio perché possiamo superarle, assaporando the joy of approaching the other, even if, deep down we can never forget the insurmountable differences that divide us sadly. Only then he realized he was trembling. Tensed muscles trying to stop the tremor. Alma sensed his hesitation. He pulled back and looked at him with an almost hurt, and then he was about to say the phrases meant for years: A part of me is made of glass, and also: I love you.
Alma saw last time. But he could not imagine that would be the last. He thought it was just the beginning. He spent the afternoon to make a series of birds of paper tied together with string. Before leaving casa afferrò d’impulso un cuscino a punto croce posato sul divano di sua madre e se lo infilo dietro nei pantaloni come misura preventiva. E subito si domandò perché non ci avesse pensato prima.
Quella sera diede ad Alma la collana e gliela legò al collo: fin lì aveva avvertito solo un lieve tremore, niente di terribile; ma quando lei, baciandolo gli passò le dita lungo la schiena e, dopo una breve esitazione, fece scivolare la mano sul dietro dei pantaloni per ritrarsi subito con un’espressione a metà fra il riso e l’orrore che a lui rammentò un certo dolore che aveva sempre conosciuto, venne fuori la verità. Lui almeno cercò di dirle la verità, ma il risultato was a half truth. Some time later, long after, he realized that two things could not forgive: the scratch that the necklace had given to Alma when she was pulled back - she had seen the light of the lamp - and choosing the wrong phrase at the most important of his life ".
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