This week's feast of movie. Tranquilli, not put them all. Your patience has a limit, I realize).
I decided to preserve some for the next week when (hopefully) I will get into my head that I have exams to prepare so I can not stand to fuck on the internet or watch movies or any other activity that expect fun.
I have already prepared a voice message that will serve as a wake-up for the next three weeks is halfway between the scream of an orangutan and the roar tango (very successful) of a lion. This fatal combination should inspire in me a slight tingle of anxiety for the upcoming defeat. It should be quite frightening, or at least, that made me get out of bed and zoombeggiare the shortest possible time. I know that will not work.
Let the film (which is better, I know)!
Hereafter - Clint Eastwood (2010-11)
Before watching this film (but also later, for heaven's sake), someone (myself included), reading the story, ; would have thought that the good dear old Clint was out of his head, which had been softened, which had folded in the new age, which had become a follower of that sect of sketches all look bad as Scientology. But, thank God, the Master is fine, is in good shape and not afraid of anything, in fact, likely. Risk with a different film. But he can.
Three parallel stories (not all filmmakers can afford this luxury) that at first follow a course quite independent, with a slow pace, and that eventually intertwine in a fairly predictable if we just go find the nit.
a psychic (when I first heard admit I thought, 'God, please, the sensitive, no! "), a survivor and a child's broken, mutilated his best part.
Three stories linked by death (or life?). A tricky issue
for any director.
Why he's abused too, because everyone can take a turn absurd or pathetic or taken for granted (even worse).
What won me over in this film is not the plot, quite simple and not very articulate (and perhaps not many can hold a film based mainly on the psychology of the characters, this so shocking, so different from the earlier work of Clint), but the details.
The details you win. With wisdom, Clint dosa emotions. It therefore appears that a Dickens of a sudden, might seem unnecessary, even pretentious. A cap may seem like a smart to drop down to the tear strength. And so for the dismissal of a worker, an explosion in the subway, a cooking class. They zoom in and out that seem out of tune with the rest of the film, almost unnecessary redundancies. And maybe individually they can not embellish, as do a film appearance monotonous. But is their admixture, through the director of a gaming expert, who makes the film exciting, moving, "very Loud and Incredibly Close." is the touch of the director who makes poetic and harmonious whole. is the opening scene of the tsunami that makes you think they are going to see a superlative film, is the obstinacy of a child lost (told with such great intensity), is the anticipation of a kiss, a narrow hand, the looks. is the misunderstanding to something we do not know but that we can deal with someone else. Herafter is a beautiful film. Masterfully filmed and thrills, but the emotion of a scene, emotion of a mosaic composed of many pieces that will strike at the heart, an 'emotion that remains throughout the film and even when you leave the room remains.
only flaw: Matt Damon. Unfortunately I am limited, but I can not see any glimmer of talent in the expression of marble man. Forgive me.
Rating: 9.5
Black Swan - Darren Aronofsky (2010-11)
Alienation, the split, double, sadismo, l'autodistruzione sembrano essere le specialità in casa Aronofsky (Requiem for a dream, The Wrestler).
Cosa ha in più questo film rispetto ai suoi precedenti lavori? Innanzi tutto la Portman, che interpreta una ballerina bipolare fatta apposta per lei: dietro un visino angelico e delicato,il talento istrionico e travolgente di un'attrice che continua a stupire. Il thriller di Aronofsky(molto riduttiva questa definizione) ha degli elementi soprannaturali che arricchiscono l'estetica e il fascino di tutto il film : visioni oniriche, metamorfosi, giochi allo specchio,allucinazioni e molti altri elementi degni del miglior horror movie. Ma Black Swan è un film troppo complesso, stupefacente, intenso per essere barricato dietro definizioni di genere. E questi sono decisamente i film migliori. Tutta la narrazione è un climax ascendente in cui sono ben dosate (quando non confuse) sensualità e tensione,fino ad arrivare al finale,apice di un film dalla resa tecnica perfetta e dalla carica emotiva e dalla visceralità ben superiori a qualunque altro film di Aronofsky. Il controcanto danzato (merito anche dei costumi e della fotografia più che eccellenti) è complementare alla parte recitata e dona drama and theatricality to this little diamond film.
A note on Vincent Cassel (beware of "Hate"), Barbara Hershey ( oppressive mother of the protagonist) and the measured performance even Winona Ryder, always beautiful.
Rating: 8.5
I will not dwell much on a movie that certainly did not need any introduction or simper.
I saw him again recently at the cinema and if you can not know, but I appreciate even more.
I do not think my comment when necessary should be enough to cast (Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall in all), the soundtrack, the director, the three Oscars, the impact of this masterpiece on culture popular. If you do not see it on your own to do it properly. Why the Godfather is a film that you should know. Some people think it is the Divine Comedy, The Betrothed Spouses, the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo and a lot 'of other stuff. But I think you can not live without seeing "The Godfather." Blasphemy, madness? Maybe. But trust me, it is sublime. Yes, most of Giocanda, echecazzo.
Rating: 10
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