You may be wondering what a meme. is a "post viral", a sort of chain letter circulating among bloggers. It consists of a mini-questionnaire to be answered in your blog and then pass the baton to other bloggers.
Now, I have decided at the suggestion of Ariano Geta , I had not a little curious, to take part. Clearly, non ho pensato al fatto che non ho tempo nemmeno per respirare e che mi sarei ridotta ad un ritardo mostruoso ma tant'è.
La consolazione che mi rimane però è che il mio "caos è equo" (come direbbe il caro Joker di Nolan) infatti sono vergognosametne indietro anche in tutte le altre faccende,soprattutto lo studio universitario che ormai si è arenato nei meandri della mia polverosa libreria.
Detto ciò, diamo il via al Meme!
N.B. Vi avviso che potrebbe essere tremendamente noioso,(sono una frana con elenchi, questionari e quant'altro metti argini al mio fiume in piena di sproloqui). Non you say you did not warn you!
- How many books have you read in 2010?
27, does not even know how I did since I'm slow as a snail and more, last year I was in the final exams. Ah, yeah! Perhaps that is why I did not study!
- fiction and how many were not?
All except six:
1) "Liquid Fear" Bauman is a sociological essay on the "liquidity" and fears (mostly manipulation of the media) who hide behind the progress of society modern.
2) "The monkey think, monkey do" by Palahniuk is hilarious. It is divided into three sections: an odd journalistic attitudes of groups of people (such as medieval castles built with unlikely materials and move all the time because you will not earn a dime), the second is a collection of interviews with different characters (you ranging from literature to Marylin Manson, activists for gay rights), Americans very interesting, and the last is a sort of diary that the author introduces us to unusual events in his life and totally ironic.
3) "The pain in the ass" of interviewing Travaglio Sabelli Fioretti (a little ' antiquated as a book actually).
4) annus horribilis by Giorgio Bocca is a collection of his best songs on "The Express" with something (very little) of starvation.
5), 6) And finally, two tragedies "Hamlet" and "Medea" by Euripides
- How many writers and many writers?
25 writers and two writers (Yes, I know, I am ashamed).
- The best book you read?
I am terribly torn between three books so I put them on an equal footing: Nabokov's Lolita, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground.
- And the worst?
no indecision here: Our tragic universe Thomas Scarlett. But what is this?
- The oldest book you read?
The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe (1774)
- And the latest?
I'm sorry to mention it again to advertise it, but she is always "our tragic universe" of Thomas
-What the book with the longest title?
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Oliver Sacks.
- And the one with the shortest title? Q - Luther Blissett
- How many books have you read again?
None. I reread often.
-And what would you read?
I already have too many to even read, reread imagine! However you choose "Notes from Underground" by Dostoevsky!
- The most widely read books by the same author this year?
I bought up by Chuck Palahniuk.
- How many books written by Italian authors?
Few, very few. 8 To be precise: Amman, Benni, Luca Canali, Baricco, Luther Blissett, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Claudio Sabelli Fioretti, Bocca.
- And how many of the books read were taken to the library?
None because I have a weird (and bad) habit of stress and "abuse" books in every possible way. Not to mention that I prefer having them in order to take steps that impressed me most, to highlight new and clearly not least, is pleased to have them fooled by those for whom they lend.
-Of how many books were read ebooks?
No, I hate them.
PS Forgive me, I have not had time to ask others to also participate in because I have many contacts on bloggers aNobii so as not to interrupt the chain anyone wishing to participate is welcome! If you want to peek at my library aNobii found in the column left with my Tumblr. I hope not to have bored you too!
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