Monday, March 30, 2009

How To Fix Aux Jack For Car Stereo

'm back! And I also have a feed you'll see ricamesco, MA now I speak of ... drum roll ...

Business Like Show Business!
is the first block:

It's called "C1-TROOPER GREEN'S BADGE", was made with the technique of paper piecing and is part of this "quiltino" below which it has 225 blocks. The square I did in the third row, the first block on the left ...


In fact after I enrolled in Patchworkcaffè , I discovered that there was a group of girls who jumped into this business and I thought: Why, let us try, if I get bored before reaching the end, I'll do a panel!

the quilt in question was terminated in 1863 and then in the middle of the Civil War (that of Gone With the Wind, just to understand) by Jane A Blakely Stickle and its official name is Dear Jane. It is, as it should be, in a museum in Vermont and should be the last trip that will, sooner or later I'm going to vedermelo.
I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bredoing all the blocks that this woman has designed and sewn 150 years ago. You will see, some are extraordinarily modern, this Jane must have been a really remarkable woman, a genius of the needle.

Now, there are only 224 blocks to the finish!


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