Monday, November 17, 2008

What Does Tooth Tartar Look Like


There are movies (and rare) that when you look at, they give you such a charge to pass two hours of vitality to smile, laugh and sing mentally.

But when it happens that the protagonist, after singing, you look straight in the eye (yes, YOU!) And ask if you want some more, and you find yourself saying sisisisisi! And then she'll sing / dance another song that you know all the words and you can not help but sing too in spite of the girl sitting next to you, (which has been in the trailer for sollucchero Twillight and then yawned throughout the film), you look like you're mad, then you're a movie, you've probably spent plenty of their thirties and are looking MAMMA MIA!

La mia scena perfetta? Tutte le donne del paese dai 10 ai 90 anni che scendono al mare cantando e ballando Dancing Queen! Esaltante! Ciapate qua (trovato tutto!):
E questa è la seconda classificata:

La scena perfetta per il coinquilino ? L’assalto del gruppetto delle ventenni ai due quaranta/cinquantenni sulle note di Gimme, gimme, gimme (a man after midnight). Diciamocelo: è il suo sogno! Tanto che capire because we are different ...

If, when the DVD comes out, with the obligation to organize an evening singing and dancing, who joins?


Every year before Christmas HERE namely Norway, Merete Veian, prepare a Christmas mystery, sometimes panels, sometimes centerpiece (which in 2006 was something unwatchable ...). This year you can choose to make place mats or a tablecloth or a table centerpiece. I wonder how they will be!


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