Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sore Gums 2 Weeks After Tooth Extraction

Jack Vettriano, a painter of the other world

Success is seldom forgiven. This is the cross that seems destined to forever carry the Scottish ex-miner, self-taught painter, snubbed by major galleries around the world and especially by the critics, little inclined to celebrate the talent of this artist. Yes, because we're talking about is talent.
The magnificent power of art, especially painting, is the evocation: the ability to draw out the soul of the beholder, a series of images, smells, sounds and sensations that vadino to complete the scene apparently set in the framework.
Vettriano's paintings are set in the canvas seemingly moments, such as photographs, but to look good, they are tense, emotional dynamism.

Moments before or after the action, vibrant and intense.
Scenes from the mysterious charm, smoky atmosphere of the 50s'.
Women provocative, visually stunning, attention to detail (as opposed to man, often in shadow, no face).
sensual details and zoom, focus the whole picture, like suspenders, painted lips, heels and hands.

A different world then. Away, shrouded in smoke from cigarettes, elegant and intriguing. We seem to have just fallen into an episode of Mad Men.

Maybe that's why I love Jack Vettriano.
Each of his paintings depicts a fantasy, an obsession, a beautiful story of the past.

Romance and sensuality together. A gramophone spreading jazz music in the air. Dresses that now call vintage. The sound of heels on the floor (sound inspiration for the painter, as he said).
The scent of a bygone era, yet so full of charm and beauty.
Here, beauty. Jack Vettriano's paintings inspired by beauty. I question the need more art.

Eppure c'è chi lo critica, definendolo banale,privo di immaginazione. Forse i suoi quadri riprendono tutti la stessa atmosfera ma sono i soggetti a fare la differenza,le storie. E Jack Vettriano è in grado di narrarle meravigliosamente. 
Non sempre l'arte deve essere rivoluzionaria, sconvolgente o elettrizzante. A volte può semplicemente rispondere al canone di bellezza che ci si aspetta da un quadro. Lo dimostra il successo clamoroso di questo pittore in the world. One of the most popular contemporary artists and play (now publishing houses such as the Adelphi, the Rizzoli regularly using his paintings as compertine). Because it can reach the heart through the eyes. Instead of a group of pretentious contemporary artists, acclaimed by critics, but incomprehensible and arrogant. They speak to him, living in a golden world, and boastful.
One day someone said, the art is not for everyone. I agree. But perhaps some use it too often because they are unable to reach anyone.


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