Saturday, February 26, 2011

Phrases For Condolences

the woman is moving ........

oh mamma.....quanto tempo dall'ultimo post...
but lately I have thousands of ideas for the head! As the song says ?...... the woman is mobile, Like a feather in the wind, She changes her accent, and thought ....... and I fact, I would like this, I would like that. The fact is that last week I bought a shirt that I was immediately inspired ... because it reminded me of those worn by painters and artists in general (you know, are a bit strange!) ..... that made me feel immediately creative!
..... I am not sure these days were very easy .... divided between the course of fiscal operations, the influence Piero and sadness because it is the lack of strong Roberto , dear boy. Despite all this though, I peeked in your blog (but how good you are particularly !!!!!!).... I have seen some good work by Luciana of Things LU with its squares of wood, and Carmen , blog Crosses and delights with its beautiful printed cushions ...... and then I decided! I had to create myself.
I pulled out of the closet an old white sheet of cotton, patched in several places but .... di una qualità difficile da trovare oggi (è della mamma di Piero!), ho tagliato dei quadrati in misura poco meno dell'A4, ho acceso il pc e la stampante.......e ho stampato!
Poi, ho bruciacchiato (ma nn mi sono bruciata!!!!!!!) gli orli di un avanzo per verificare l'effetto.
Che bello, mi è proprio piaciuto e così son venuti fuori dei quadrettini niente, ma proprio niente, male!!!!!!!! Sono cuciti allo stesso modo dei miei profumabiancheria e infatti, dentro ho messo un pò di lavanda! Appesi al muro son davvero particolari! Per ora ne ho creati 3 but as soon as I can find some other nice images I am sure that others soon will come!
... and here's the finished picture!
ah, I forgot! here is the shirt ...
mmmmmhhhhhh, I'd say that's enough for today ................... nay! first I show you a little more heart! (But Valentine is not already past !??!!??!!!)
but I have many other things to make you see ...... although I do not know when! Meanwhile buonagiornatadisole for today!
(here is, fortunately, even if it freeeeddddddddoooooooo)!!


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