Saturday, February 26, 2011

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If I had to fire

beginning of the fourteenth century the Dolce Stil Novo was the most popular poetic genre. The topic of love was expressed in verses of great elegance. The woman, otherworldly creature, was intermediary between the earthly and the divine, true love was platonic, the poet and ennobles him closer to God
At that time the comic poetry he produced poetry of great provocation. The comic poetry had the task of reversing all the canons of courtly poetry, give priority to the more material aspects of life and the pleasures of this world. The genre, style, and recovering the salient aspects of poetry and highest educated of the time, created a parodic contrast, a reversal of the outcome comic style and playful. The largest representative of this genre was Cecco Angiolieri who praised the worldly passions against the spiritual values. Cecco Angiolieri (Siena, about 1260 - Siena, 1313 circa), belonged to a wealthy family in Guelph. Not much is known about him, he had a disorderly and dissipated life, devoted to women, taverns and gambling (there were three things he loved most), so that after his death, his gave up five children to inherit, because burdened with too many debts. Even today it is one of the poets most loved by young people because they lived life with no brakes. The sonnet Cecco is most famous Angiolieri If I 'was fire, arderei' the world who follow the strand of literature goliardic, desecrates the conventions and celebrates earthly pleasures. In the texts of Ben, the famous character is the undertaker, anti-Beatrice man rooted to the ground and materialism instead of leading to the divine elements in Cecco applicants are also the merry band of young people, the pleasures of life, love of gambling, the personal invective, style and playful caricature. Other poets of the comedy were Rustico di Filippo, Meo de 'Tolomei, Folgore da San Gimignano. If I
The sonnet 'was fire, arderei' the world had transpose music by Fabrizio de André , Volume III album of 1968. Thanks to Fabrizio de André temporal distance is canceled, and the sonnet is proving to be infinitely and most modern, giving us an extraordinary work of art, music and poetry, as well as an unprecedented encounter between two artists far removed in time.
public here the original text of Cecco (Marti edition of 1956) and a video with the famous song If I were sung by the great fire de André. Happy reading and happy listening.

If I 'was fire, burn' the world;
if I 'was the wind, the tempestarei;
if I' were water, the 'drowning;
s'i' fosse Dio, mandereil'en profondo;

s'i' fosse papa, serei allor giocondo,
ché tutti cristïani embrigarei;
s'i' fosse 'mperator, sa' che farei?
a tutti mozzarei lo capo a tondo.

S'i' fosse morte, andarei da mio padre;
s'i' fosse vita, fuggirei da lui:
similemente faria da mi' madre,

S'i' fosse Cecco, com'i' sono e fui,
torrei le donne giovani e leggiadre:
le vecchie e laide lasserei altrui.


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