The Prestige - Christopher Nolan (2006)
Nolan's films is what might be called "auteur" (no, not in the sense of Pallos) so recognizable and distinctive. In particular, the search of duplicity, the flip side, the dark side (see Memento, The Dark Knight) now seem to mark the release of the film signed Nolan. That makes them highly (and easily) for engaging an avid movie buff.
But what convinced of your films is the perfect admixture of the psychological side and simple entertainment, the mixture explosive can confuse the action genre to the dramatic thriller, the fantasy to the serious.
In particular the merit of this film (which deceptively superficial one spectator catalog under the heading "classic film about the magic") is the counterbalance between the fantastic element (pure entertainment) and the mental element, aesthetic and thematic density woven hand in glove in a film visually and technically impeccable, but who can also say something more, that leaves a little more.
The narrative in three acts, just like any magic number: promise, turning e. .. prestige (in fact the final the prestigious). As usual in films of the director, the assembly comprises a discontinuous way, with the time jumps that do not lose an ounce (indeed, if anything, enhance) the poetry and the golden "magic" around in this tale of dark shades Victorian age.
Yes, because Nolan's films, do not ever tell stories "normal", but that fairy tales always have characteristics that make them majestic, superlative. And what's more astounding magic?
Effettivamente c'è qualcosa di ancor più sorprendente.
E sono i personaggi.
Angier e Borden,l'illusionista razionale e elegante e il genio sregolato, l'uno possiede quello che all'altro manca, immagini speculari. In competizione, l'uno contro l'altro, disposti a qualunque cosa pur di vincere.
Dura legge quella degli illusionisti: se conosci il trucco, al contrario di tutti gli altri, questo ti renderà invincibile, speciale, diverso...e per questo importante. Se lo perdi, perderai tutto. The power of the mystery, secrets, the thirst for knowledge: all this leads them to exceed the limits of human knowledge.
Is there anything more powerful magic: his obsessions. The desire to excel and the thirst for revenge.
A tense climax that leads towards one end of the most beautiful and magical as ever. Unexpected and poetic. To enrich it: the perfect picture, the Victorian setting, the soundtrack.
goodies from the film: David Bowie plays Nikola Tesla one of the most fascinating historical figures of all time and to which the processor has been able to give the right thickness.
Scarlett Johansson more beautiful than ever even though his character has no particular peak interpretation.
And Michael Caine always in great shape and always in the role of the old, wise father, the giver of consigli perc hè lui-sa-tutto. C'è davvero bisogno di commentare Bale? Superlativo.
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