A couple of weeks ago he was happily going to Vicenza, when he began to speak (I think Diana has been to engage in the discussion! Diana: I will not thank you enough! I discovered Susy who started from the following: Susy: I will not thank you enough! ), these ladies and young ladies who joined the network in a large group, dedicated themselves to the difficult art Sisisisi order ... you read that right: Order! The opposite of disorder ...
not familiar with the concept of order, I asked for clarification waaay concerned, but when I learned that the first step to start this new relationship of love with the clean, was clean and sparkle to the sink from the top of my "clutter-pile", I made a good laugh.
But I certainly did not need to polish the sink, because I had just taken bell'apposta in granite instead of steel! To avoid having to shine!
The second step was to dress and makeup every morning, but I already did this, working outside the home! So I continued to giggle and I pretended not to!
me since I then I have to digest things, one day coming home mi sono guardata in giro ed ho notato che ero circondata dal disordine ed ogni volta che devo invitare qualcuno a casa (fosse anche il vicino di casa, che mi sistema il computer) mi prendeva l’angoscia. Così, giusto per curiosità sono andata a curiosare nel sito della cara FLYLADY … che poi FLY starebbe per Finally Loving Yourself… ed ho scoperto che non ero l’unica ad essere affetta dal C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t have anyone over Syndrome) cioè il terrore degli ospiti inattesi!
Era il 3 novembre 2008! Era un mercoledì e dopo aver lavorato fino alle 6 della sera, sono tornata a casa e con guanti, candeggina, detergenti ed olio di gomito, HO FATTO SPARK THE SINK. Yes, despite being in granite! (And so I discovered / remembered that I was originally white and yellow, er, er)!
What can I say? It 'been a week, I'm back on its feet slowly, slowly (very very slowly, taking baby steps, as they say, and even stumbling over a lot) but I'm reclaiming the house.
account soon to take control and command me and not you!
perhaps become a maniac order?? Nooo! I remain convinced that a house is sparkling sign of a wasted life, and has also spent too little time for being released from CHAOS,
the kitchen sink was always sparkling, the rest of the kitchen and the bathroom does not cry mercy is present (note: I did not say shiny!) And believe me when I say that to me a week so it's a miracle!
you concerned that the site is in English? Lodi, praise, praise to the girls in the group FLYLADYITALIA http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/flyladyitalia/ that translate perfectly all in Italian, they send the reminder at the right time and learn from new things every day!
And I also already made my Control Journal, but how good I am! I award myself!
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