Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prom Dresses In Springfield, Mo

... my land, my land!

chebello ............. postodinuovodopounpò!
not really have much to post ...... I did not do anything these days, except to smile, eat and cuddle the grandchildren! I did not even pictures, in short, I became lazy .... but after all, come on, we are at end of year ..... I give myself a little break and recharge the batteries !!!!!!!!
why I decided to show you some pictures but not more than the ....... Tuscany or Florence (as it was understood that I like and I'm good) but the my land , Calabria!
However, the photos are not of my country (I will refer you soon!) But, thinking back to the sun and the sea, a place that we love very much and usually we visit whenever we can do because it's really nice to go there .. .... just to make a simple walk. I assure you that there is an air ..... I can not describe to you !!!!!!!!!!! This is Pizzo (I admit, the photos are of last Christmas, but I guess nothing has changed since then!), A small town overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea ....( I want the sun, uffaaaaaaaaaa! !)
where you can enjoy some excellent truffles (defined as ice cream!), good pizzas, or just a coffee among the tables that usually crowded and , ....., glad the square close to the castle Murat . From here, especially in winter when the air is crisp and clear you can even see the islands Eolie ......
Costruito sul finire del '400 , il castello è in gran parte legato alla vicenda di Gioacchino Murat , fedelissimo di Napoleone che, nel tentativo di riconquistare il regno di Napoli , qui subì una disfatta e fu fucilato....
 Il posto è incantevole e merita una visita .........e,  girellando per le strette vie, è possibile scoprire e ammirare portoni ancora integri, con maschere apotropaiche .....
.......e altri fregi e decori sulle facciate delle case e delle chiese!
Insomma, un pò di vacanza ogni tanto ci vuole, o no?
Felice anno nuovo!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whats A Good Percent Body Muscle

... I'm in love!

proprio così! ... innamorata .....della cannella!
Ma dico io, si può....alla mia età????!!!????? Si!.......per questo ho realizzato questi deliziosi sacchettini profumati alla cannella! In realtà tessuto (preso dalle Sorelle Bacci in via dell'Oriuolo!) un bel cotone stampato, l'ho acquistato per farmi una siccome è alto 2,80 mt I decided to make us even more!,-P
Some I've packed with wrapping paper, gift tag I added, initially created as decorations, gifts and voila ..... have already reached their destination this morning!
simple and easy!
Sunday afternoon instead, after admiring the photo of Gilda , its Sweet Sweet home I decided to take to the streets a few fallen branches, pine (due to snow) and I tried to make a wreath ...... but I must admit, I do not !!!!!! Anyway, I decided to hang also what I did for the rest ...... I have a few sprigs scattered here and there ... for the home ...... just to give more air Christmas! A gingham ribbon, a heart filled and Découpe .......... and the string! That's it!
These are some gifts that Santa (let's pretend that there is!) Took me a few days in advance ...... a nice box with 2 cups ........ I am moltoooooooo beautiful ...!
.... the box, of course, will surely be used to store ribbons and laces .......
...... and above all, a book of poetry and photography. The poems are Cecchi Ida, a woman in gambissima known to work a few years ago and after a course in creative writing .... found to have a beautiful gift and is enjoying wide success .... while the photos are of his friend and colleague Paul Malasoma . Thanks
Ida ............. even for Santa Claus and the chocolate (already eaten!)
. .... This, I believe, will be the last post for this year, so I hope to spend some happy days and happy with the people dearest !!!!!!
Ah! By the way ........ the previous post. As you read, I tried to write a story using the names of the blog ..... but unfortunately not all were suitable for the purpose, why I could not use them .... but he sure wishes were aimed at all !

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Brother Replace Fuser

there is no limit to the imagination!

Today, this sweet and tender leaf lying on snow, I was reminded that I could tell a story ..... a story written in a special ..............

Once upon a time ... .... But no, I say, not so long ago! (Paraphrasing Carlo Collodi Lorenzini said ...) but little more than a year ago ... .... Beta Bim Bum! I had The idea!
I ought to computer and internet were around me already for quite a while and then I said to myself why not Create blog?
C on a little courage, some Filosopia and Filoefantasia , I decided to open my window to the world ! How
The wonderful world of Tice is' my son is hidden corners, Mon petit coin de paradis , ✂ ♥ ♥ ✂ The Woods of Camelot where for some time thousand workers who crowded my mind and my dreams are now Pensieridistoffa . How nice! F I inhaled I could call kreattiva !
You bimbaiaia of the Beanstalk, a jar of candy full of things ... ... ... .. where I m'invento What I with a piece of cloth ....????? ???????
S the I know it sounds The Tale of the barrel and ... as a flight of butterfly or The owl or a bungler Fairy at the Helm, I like your imagination run free on the Hill of Tara , it The garden of hydrangeas or the house with the yellow gate ... ma fare i Decor e blablabla , o fare Knitting and Cakes© sono il mio mondo, come Il mondo di Phil .
S ono { Le coccole creative } , sono Sogni di Lana che in tutti questi mesi ho condiviso con quanti amano le stesse cose.
O ggi ho una strana Luce nel cuore .
E guardo il mondo dal mio blog , oggi. Da il mio piccolo mondo creativo ! Certo sonoindecisa : in cucina ci sono briciole di biscotti , del la matassina rossa , Girasoli & Crocette , hearts and beads, waiting ... ... ... ... E 'come true here The Miracle of Wireless . The Bazaar of Wonders my where Girotondo wire, pieces of rag of wire, felt and fantasy alternate Chatter & Crocette , making the whole point of also So Bijoux . chores and not only ! is my little creative corner , the sewing workshop where I like to create from the heart . This is the corner of the house che preferisco: è L'angolo di Angie !........... Ma oggi, PerlAmica , anzi alle tante amiche virtuali , oggi voglio dedicare i miei auguri di Natale …………. spargendo tanti Pétales de fées !!!!!!!!!
che volete farci....o pubblicavo un post così ho andavo al cinemavicinocasa dove danno solo i cinepanettoni!!!!! (ho preferito la prima!)

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Furniture Goes With Cherry Wood Floors

... that Christmas without snow ??????

Firenze.............e la neve!
........... Traffic tilt, paralyzed the city and continues non-stop from noon to snow!
These ........................ instead I've taken and the difference shows!
a little (!) Of snow in the streets .......
.... poor bike !!!!!!
................ and red roofs ... ops today white, usually admire from my window!
and my plant, which notice ....... going to make to survive ???????

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gold Desert Eagle Toy For Sale

Eccomi qui, dopo qualche giorno di assenza.....e senza voce, per questo, mannaggia non sono stata all'incontro con le Toscane creative ! Ma tutto passa............ e poichè Natale è sempre Natale e se anche non ci vogliamo pensare, tutt'intorno ti costringe a farlo......allora ho tirato fuori ancora una volta un pò, ma pochina pochina, a dire il vero, di fantasia .
Il risultato????? Questi portatovaglioli rossi (in realtà il colore è un pò meno acceso di come appare in foto!)!!!!!!!!!!! potrebbero anche essere utilizzati come decori centrotavola, a pensarci bene e riguardando le foto!
I fiori sono in filo pirkka , una mia grande passione, se vi interessa vi segnalo un sito in cui sono spiegati molto bene (io ho un libro!), mentre per la base ho seguito il tutorial che vi avevo proposto qualche post fa (quando faceva caldo e l'aria era tiepida!)...... Penso che su una bella tovaglia faranno diventare la tavola ancora più invitante e accogliente! 
Vorrei fare tante di quelle cose....molte sono in cantiere, molte ci ho provato ma non riesco a raggiungere mai gli stessi risultati dei lavori di Pia o di  Carmen , e ne dovrei aggiungere molte altre di blogghine che creano cose stupende..........poi, ieri da Angie ho visto, come sempre, cose bellissime....i suoi ultimi sottopentola  mi sono proprio piaciuti. Ho provato a farne uno, anche se non l'ho profumato.....comunque mi piace e penso che, past the holidays, someone else will pop out of me for now ................ I've put on this beautiful teapot , a fond memory of Robert, friend, colleague, almost a brother. ...... that no longer exists, and every passing day he feels his lack .............
and cast a bit of sadness what could be better than watching my two boys , as I call them now, Giotto and Cimabue, who did not do not miss a ray of sunshine !!!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Who Do You Get Mouth Blisters With Worms

Florentine Christmas ..... ......

.......... the Florentine Christmas (I guess it is not the only one!) Is full of many events: markets galore, Fierucola, music ..... ............ and we, instead, where you go ???????
...... well I have decided to leave for a while everything about Christmas and, on Friday afternoon, we took advantage of a free guided tour (!) To discover Villa La Loggia, Florence, in Via Bolognese! We were not really sure, but then, upon arrival we realized it is the seat ..... Once the publisher. What a wonderful place ....... all of 3250 square meters occupied by offices, but kept very well !!!!!!! It seems that the villa was the venue where the famous architect was Conspiracy de 'Pazzi against Lorenzo il Magnifico ... but there is no absolute certainty and must share this "primacy" of the Castle Trebbio although traces of a fire suggests that these sites were really silent witnesses of this event! Girls, it was just a wonderful visit ........ I could not do a lot of these photos ..... but, I think, give an idea!
A 'corner of the front .......
an area ...... del chiostro affrescato con grottesche e carte geografiche riprodotte, quasi alla perfezione, per volere di uno dei tanti proprietari che nel tempo si sono succeduti, dalle carte del famoso cartografo cinquecentesco Ortelius  (di cui io ignoravo l' sono molte le cose che non so!)
 ...un affresco interno.....
 ....e, trattandosi di una azienda, un chiostro chiuso e riadattato ad uso ufficio, con tanto di camminamento perfettamente in uso e anche questo pieno di scrivania e punti di lavoro.........redattori, impaginatori e chi più ne ha più ne metta........
and then, the first edition of Pinocchio, dated 1883 !!!!!!!!
... in short, a magical place for people who love books, for people who make them and those who work in these places!
Today, after a visit to the market because the house (and I did not know anything !!!!!!!! arghhhhhh), a nice walk in Via Vecchia Fiesolana , a ' strewn slope that was once the only way to join with Fiesole Florence ....... and what a discovery that is .... no! We can only imagine the beautiful villas that we saw on the way up but, alas, are hidden by high stone walls ........
There was also a black cat who was blessed and comfortable to enjoy this beautiful sunny day!
........ a stop to admire the beautiful view of Florence!
........ and a wake-up times, which made me me want to run it ... but then I gave up!
All in all a pleasant afternoon!