Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Furniture Like Platypus

threat kept!

non sempre riesco a mantenere le promesse, ma stavolta si! E allora pubblico le foto delle mie ultime borse, perciò in questo post niente chiacchere , niente Natale ma solo borse........!!!!!!!!!!!
...alcune in velluto verde and blue .........
........... and then a derived from the edges of the pants .... I wanted to become like that of a cartoning Daniela , posted a few months ago .....( if I remember correctly)
and finally, this, a bit strange to me ...... but, as always, love it!
this time I was too short ...... I have a fever ??????!!!!!???????

Monday, November 29, 2010

How Much To Install A New Tub


(e domani sistemerò i link, scusate la mia inettitudine in computeraggine) hanno avuto la bella idea di preparare (cucire e/o ricamare and / or paste and / or so) by December 23 something for Christmas! Refrain potholders, tea towels and other casalinghitudini I do not like that anyway.

Once ready the work, you send the photo to Kokino and then we'll see them all together on his blog what we did.

's not a competition to see who is the most talented, but a way to have fun and make something beautiful.

Since I have imbranatina in sewing, and I'm going easy on an applique of Art to Heart, and these are the pieces of the puzzle:

Join the crowd!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Film Of Hymen Breaking

a Sunday so .....!

buonadomenicapomeriggio .....!
certainly here in Florence giornata non è bellissima, anzi.......piove, piove e ancora piove........ per questo ho deciso di annoiarvi un pò, proponendovi dei lavoretti facili facili. Il tema è sempre il Natale , anzi a dirla tutta, mifrullanocosìtante idee per la testa che poi alla fine non combino proprio nulla. Eh, sono fatta così, io...cioè male. Vabbè, lasciamo perdere.
Vi dicevo dei lavoretti.....ebbene tempo fa, quando ancora Sofia,  mia nipote, era piccola piccola...ed era bellissimo coccolarla e farla divertire (anche oggi, certo, ma ormai ha 14 anni......e non è la stessa cosa!!!!!!) ho realizzato per lei un cappottino rosso in batteries. I had made any bit of this stuff and strangely I had kept the other night ..... so I took it out and some pieces of felt even these memories of a dress for carnival Gabriele ( the brother of Sofia!), I created this panel is very soft (for me, of course !)........ scissor kick was enough to create some trees, I drew the letters, I cut out and applied on a strip plot wide canvas type bag, with points beneinvista ....... easy, right?
....... and with the leftovers of the leftovers ?????????...... idea !!!!!! Lots of small stars That can be used Christmas .......... .... mmmmhhhhh ... still do not know for what, but something in mind but I will !!!!!!!
And finally, since use scissors is my passion, along with the card, from napkins to decoupage hotrasformatoalcuneimmagini into small squares that will form a panel along ..... for now I'll show you the pieces removed ..... then limonterò! So if andiamoalcinema, which is the only thing to do today, certainly you will not go elsewhere and so if you stay home or sew or read (I have to finish Sense and Sensibility the book started along with the reading group , that I have not ..... but I like !)
...... .. as I used cardboard covers used folders (folders pickers that are used in offices, for the paperwork, so to speak), I applied on both sides of the same image and I do not cut perfectly. Then I rehearsed the edges with a gold-tipped pen and gave a very thick coat of paint finish. Just so, I'm really quick to do!
..... But in my blog can not miss the bags ...... so, here's one !!!!! Consists of four tissues in 4 different colors .... but very simple in form.
...... and this other moooltto better in fantasy and in two different shades of fabric!
e. .......... only bags in the next post !!!!! (It's a threat!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Do You Get A W2 For For Temporary Disability Pay

.... where Santa Claus lives ....

yes, propriocosì!
....... last year, right next to where Santa Claus lives ........ ,........ arrived two my little angels !!!!!!!! It 'been my dear friend Virve to send photos and so ....... here is how are collected (ops, as they have arranged Ines Iris , Virve of the girls!) although perhaps have taken a little cold with all that snow!
hung so I am really pretty. About Virve handed me the baton of friendship and just ... I swear I will answer your questions ... but tonight I leave you with this full post (as always I can not help but say ........ nothing, so I'm done!) image !!!!!!
And come to us .......... a few days ago I found wandering of business ideas but very nice to see you are not a good photographer ...... ideas that I have tried to interpret my way ..... this is how did this ...... with a heart wreath with a bow, a gingham ribbon, a bit of holly stolen in the square, twine and thread .... ......
certainly inspired me were these beautiful wreaths made by Zest, in Mattonaia ......
....... then, I must confess that I fell in love these trees and I assure you that live is too funny (do not know what other word to use!) ...... so some are decorated with decoupage ......
........ others, using a simple pattern fabric .... but the result does not change. I find them just so cute!
........ although around I found this very special tree, at least for me (forgive me for the picture quality but was taken with the cell .....!) ....
And to close this post, even if I do a little effort perchè ho già pronte altre foto e vorrei mostrarvi tutto (di borse!), ........un astuccio che per i colori si adatta perfettamente al periodo di festa!