A couple of weeks ago I won a competition launched by Elena on her blog
. You had to guess the subject of an embroidery, thanks to "help" I found it was Merry Ho Ho from Lizzie Kate and this is the content of Buston gift that Helen gave me during a meeting with small crosses, a girl, a tramway, coffee and ice cream, and what's better than all these things put together?
A beautiful new cloth, which is perfect size, perfect for a nice centerpiece monochrome type Parolin.
A first set of American textiles or later, in a close encounter with a sewing machine, will find their reason for being. Many
clouds and a beautiful moon glow over the rubber to attack.
Two candles, that Julia has exchanged for candy, because they are so delicious that just seem!
And last but not least a box of beads from one of my favorite colors that are like cheese on macaroni with stoffetta for the banner I made in Vicenza!
FAT! Now wait for the next contest!
Skillfully post 3
Ah yes, I forgot that I took to Skillfully also two garlands of sad branches that probably will go to the cellar to make the mold ... and Gaya Susy: I told you that I would not buy them!